Sum them : 340
Count them: 4 numbers
Divide sum by number of numbers = 340/4 = 85.
Alternatively, in this case, you may notice that the numbers are evenly spaced. The middle two numbers are 80 and 90 so halfway between then will be the overall mean. This only works for the arithmetic mean of evenly spaced numbers.
70% of 80 = 80*70/100 = 56/100 or 14/25
The mean, or average is 86
80 - 70% = 80 x (1 - (70/100)) = 24
70 80 80 80 90 90 100 100 110 110 120 130 160Range = 160 - 70 = 90
Add all of the numbers together (find the sum of the set) 50 + 60 + 70 + 80 + 90 + 100 = 450. Then divide the sum by the amount of numbers in the set (6); 450 / 6 = 75.
70% of 80 = 80*70/100 = 56/100 or 14/25
The average is 80.
The mean, or average is 86
% rate:= 70/80 * 100%= 0.875 * 100%= 87.5%
180 degrees in a triangle 180-70-30 = 80 The other angle is 80 degrees
80 - 70% = 80 x (1 - (70/100)) = 24
56/80 x 100 = 70 Therefore, 56 is 70 percent of 80.
80 It is 20 more than 60 and 20 less than 100 To find a halfway point (which is also the average), add the numbers together and divide by 2.60 70 *80* 90 100As you can see, the answer is 80.
70 80 80 80 90 90 100 100 110 110 120 130 160Range = 160 - 70 = 90
percentage = 70%% rate:= 56/80 * 100%= 0.7 * 100%= 70%