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Create a Weighted Average: 1. Multiply each value by its weight. 2. Add up the products of value times weight to get the total value. 3. Add the weight themselves to get the total weight. 4. Divide the total value by the total weight.

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Q: How do you find the average interest rate among a number of different investments with different purchase dates and annualized interest rates?
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What is proportional interest?

A proportional (or proportionate) interest in land means the person has an identifiable interest in real property that is less than a 100% interest. For example, three sisters who inherit the family homestead would each own a one-third proportional interest as tenants in common. That means each of the sisters has the right to the use and possession of the whole property. If one dies her family would inherit a one-third interest. If none died and the property was sold, each sister would receive one-third of the net proceeds. For a different type of situation suppose two people are the grantees in a deed. If the deed does not specify how the interest will be split then each grantee has a one-half proportional interest even if the other grantee paid the purchase price. Any other arrangement would need to be clearly expressed in the deed. For example, suppose two friends purchased a two family dwelling for investment purposes and one paid one-fourth of the purchase price and the other paid three-fourths. The deed could be drafted to convey a one-quarter interest to one and a three-quarter interest to the other. Those proportional interests recited in the deed would prevail if the property was sold. If one or both grantees died their proportional interest would pass to their heirs.

Where can I purchase number worksheets online?

There are a lot of different places online where you can purchase number worksheets.I recommend you try the following websites, or

Where can one purchase a step counter?

You can purchase a step counter in most local sports stores. If you want to purchase one online, BestBuy offers a wide range of step counters in different colors and sizes, with or without wristband.

Where can one purchase 18 inch dolls?

Someone can purchase 18 inch dolls from a number of companies such as amazon. Amazon has a large selection of 18 inch dolls from a number of different manufacturers.

Where can one purchase exterior light fixtures?

You can purchase exterior light fixtures at a variety of different stores. It depends on where you go by how much you what to spend on your lights. Menards would be a good fist choice.

Related questions

Is it a purchase or refinance when one heir buys out the other?

That would be the purchase of an interest in real property.That would be the purchase of an interest in real property.That would be the purchase of an interest in real property.That would be the purchase of an interest in real property.

What is the definition of treasury yield?

The yield of a bond is the interest that it pays (annualized) divided by the purchase price of the bond (taking into account any discount or premium on the price). Treasury yield refers to the actual interest rate on bonds issued by the U.S. Treasury. Treasury yield is not a single number, because they issue bonds with many different maturities (from 1 month to 30 years); the yields on the 2-year and 10-year bonds are the most commonly-quoted benchmarks.

How is the interest on the bond calculated?

It is calculated as set out in the contract to purchase the bond. Bonds can have different contracts.

Does real interest affect the aggregate supply?

In the short-run, no, since short-term production decisions are made with plant-size and capital investments fixed, and the real interest rate chiefly affects capital investment. In the long-run, however, these investment factors are variable, and their level of purchase and use depends, partially, on the real interest rate.

Capital expenditures include?

Capital expenditures include all investments in fixed assets (PPE investments or purchase of PPE on the Cash Flow Statement).

Where is a T rowe account available to purchase online?

T. Rowe accounts are available to purchase on their website. They offer four different and easy ways to open a T. Rowe Price Brokerage account. Minimum investments are currently set at $2,500.

What is the meaning of interest on purchase price?

It means if u have something on hire purchase over a longer period you have to pay interest .

Can you Get a CD with bad credit?

Yes. A Certificate of Deposit (CD) is a deposit instrument has the following features: * Guaranteed principal * Guaranteed periodic interest * FDIC insured * Low/no cost to purchase Your credit rating is not considered when you purchase a CD. Only your ability to fund the CD (with cash or other liquid investments) is considered.

What is the minimum amount of interest that can be charged for the purchase of a House?

There is no requirement to have a loan to purchase a house, therefore the minimum amount on interest would be zero.

How do investors go about buying a company?

Investors pool their capital (funds) to maximize the amount that they are investing. Providing that there are no conflicts of interest (creating a monopoly on a service in a certain area) they apply to purchase the company. Investors can opt to do short term or long term investments. Short term investments are usually on real estate purchases that will eventually be sold to another party (such a house flipping) and long term investment are usually for something that the group has a vested interested in such as creating a new product or converting a manufacturing plant into something completely different.

What can one purchase on the ETF stock market?

'Exchange-traded funds' are a simple form of trading. They offer index investments which mean that fund managers are not required, so improving return from investments.

What is the journal entry for bond purchase with accrued interest?

Debit bondsDebit interest accruedCredit cash / bank