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i think if base divide,rate multiply,and percentage divide ... P = B x R & B = P/R & R = P/B For you to remember it easily you can make the triangle wherein P is above and B and R is below.

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Q: How do you find the base percentage and rate?
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How do you find the base percentage and rate example numbers?

To find the base, percentage and rateperce ntage = base * rate (rate in decimal)base = percentage/rate (rate in decimal)rate = percentage/base * 100%Example:Base = 10Percentage = 2Rate?Rate = 2/10 * 100% = 20%

How do you find the rate when the base and percentage are given?

to find the rate divide the percentage by the base that is R=P divide B OR R=P/B THEN CHANGE THE ANSWER TO PERCENT

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base = 260 base = percentage/ rate = 65/0.25 = 260

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Percentage Amount = Rate x Base

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What is rate base and percentage?

a rate is a comparison of something. A percentage is always a comparison to 100.

How do you get the rate when the base and percentage is given?

The rate usually is the percentage.

How do you get percentages?

Percentage = Base x Rate

What is the formula in getting base in math?

Base=percentage divided by rate

How do you get the base when the percentage and rate is given?

To get the base, divide the rate from the percentage. Base = Percentage/Rate example: 65 is 20% of what number? Given: P=65 R=20% B=N Solution: B= P/R =65/20% =65/.2 Answer: B=325 hope it'll help u..^^