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Area = (pi) x (Radius)2

Radius = sqrt(area/pi)

Circumference = (2 pi) x (Radius) = (2 pi) x sqrt(area/pi)

Circumference = 2 x sqrt(pi x area)

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Q: How do you find the circumference of a circle if you have the area and nothing else?
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What is the radius of a circle with the circumference of 14.13 sq in?

The circumference is a length and cannot be measured in square inches. Either you meant circumference of 14.13 inches or area of 14.13 sq inches or something else. I cannot guess what and so the question is flawed to the extent that it has no meaningful answer.

How do you know whether to use a open circle or a closed circle?

If points on the circumference are excluded from the locus then an open circle, else a closed one.

What percent of a perimeter of the square is the circumference of a circle?

The answer depends on their relative size: is the circle inside the square, the square inside the circle or something else?

What percent of the perimeter of a square is the circumference of the circle?

The answer depends on the relationship between the square and the circle. For example, is the circle inscribed in the square or the square in the circle or something else?

What is the circumference of a circle with 11 m?

The answer depends on what the 11 m refers to radius, diameter or something else.

How do you find area with leanght and nothing else?

You can't. Area is a two-dimensional quantity, and you need two numbers to calculate it. The only figure whose area you can calculate when you have only one number is a circle.

Would you show the size of a 7 centimeter circle?

A 7 centimeter circle has a diameter of 7 centimeters and a radius of 3.5 centimeters. The formula to calculate the area of a circle is πr^2, so for a circle with a radius of 3.5cm, the area would be approximately 38.48 square centimeters.

Write a Shell program to find the area and circumference of a circle?

echo "Enter the Number" read n r=`expr $n % 2` if [ $r -eq 0 ] then echo "$n is Even number" else echo "$n is Odd number" fi

What is a secant. a tangent?

Secants are chords that go through a circle ONCE! Tangents are rays or segments with one point touching the border of a circle and nothing else.

How do you calculate half of a circle if the radius is 6 centimeters?

The answer depends on what characteristic of a half circle you want to calculate: its area or perimeter or something else.

What is the diameter of a circle with 225 pi cm?

The given measure, 225*pi cm is a linear measure so it cannot refer to the area. It could refer to the radius or the circumference of the circles, or the length of an arc or a segment of the circle. It could, of course refer to something else, but then the task of finding the diameter is near impossible. If it is the length of an arc or a segment, you require further information. Since that is not provided, perhaps one can assume that the measure does not refer to either. That leaves the radius or the circumference. If the radius is 225*pi then the diameter is simply 2*radius = 450*pi cm. If the circumference is 225*pi, then the diameter is circumference/pi = 225 cm.

What does a c in a circle?

Possibly it means circumference which is the distance round the edge of the shape It means copyright. That the saying, word, or anything else it's on or next to is copyrighted. You can't use it without permission.