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The circumference of a circle is equal to the radius times 2*pi.

2*pi*R where R is the radius.

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Q: How do you find the circumference of a circle with just the radius?
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How do find the circumference of a circle if you have the radius?

easy you just double it. Additional answer No, that's incorrect. If you double the radius you get the diameter. To get the circumference you multiply the radius by 2 then by 3.142. 3.142 is known as pi

How do you find circumference given radius?

2 pi rthis is the equation of the circumference of a circle. just multiply out 2 times pi(3.14159) times the radius that you were given.

How do you determine the circumference of a circle if you know the radius?

use the formula pi*diameter = circumference and the formula diameter = 2*radius and combine them 2pi*radius = circumference now you have a formula that you can just plug you numbers into. if you have 3 as your radius, then this is how to find the circumference 2pi*3=circumference 6.28*3=circumference 18.84=circumference

Why does thr radius of a circle always go into the circumference of a circle 6 times?

Circumference is equal to 2πr. Where π is equal to 3.14159, so 2π=6.283. Just to find the circumference you are multiplying the radius by a number a little greater than 6.

How do you find the circumference of a circle if the area is 49?

You need just a smidgen of algebra.The area of any circle is (pi) x (radius)2 .For this circle, you know that (pi) x (radius)2 = 49.You can massgae this around to find the radius, and thenthe circumference is just (2 pi) x (radius).If you need it all in one step, then Circumference= 2 x sqrt(pi x Area) ,but the other way is easier for me, because I don't have to memorizeanother formula. I find deriving easier than memorizing..

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How do find the circumference of a circle if you have the radius?

easy you just double it. Additional answer No, that's incorrect. If you double the radius you get the diameter. To get the circumference you multiply the radius by 2 then by 3.142. 3.142 is known as pi

How do you find circumference given radius?

2 pi rthis is the equation of the circumference of a circle. just multiply out 2 times pi(3.14159) times the radius that you were given.

How do you determine the circumference of a circle if you know the radius?

use the formula pi*diameter = circumference and the formula diameter = 2*radius and combine them 2pi*radius = circumference now you have a formula that you can just plug you numbers into. if you have 3 as your radius, then this is how to find the circumference 2pi*3=circumference 6.28*3=circumference 18.84=circumference

Why does thr radius of a circle always go into the circumference of a circle 6 times?

Circumference is equal to 2πr. Where π is equal to 3.14159, so 2π=6.283. Just to find the circumference you are multiplying the radius by a number a little greater than 6.

How do you find circumfrence?

The process you would use to find the circumference of a circle completely depends on what information you already have about the circle. For example, you might be given the circle's area, or its radius, or its diameter, or the length of one radian of arc along the circumference, and each of those would require a different method to find the circumference. The easiest example is the one where you know the circle's diameter. In that case, simply multiply the diameter by (pi) to get the circumference. The next easiest case is the one where you have the circle's radius ... let's say the radius is 1.5 meters. Knowing that the radius is half of the diameter, you first double the radius, and find that the diameter 3.0 meters. Then you get the circumference just as you did in the first example ... multiply the diameter by (pi). With a radius of 1.5 meter, you would find that the circumference is about 9.425 meters. (rounded)

What is the formula for finding the diameter of a circle when the circumference is given?

C = pi d By algebraic rearrangement d = C / pi

How do you find the circumference of a circle if the area is 49?

You need just a smidgen of algebra.The area of any circle is (pi) x (radius)2 .For this circle, you know that (pi) x (radius)2 = 49.You can massgae this around to find the radius, and thenthe circumference is just (2 pi) x (radius).If you need it all in one step, then Circumference= 2 x sqrt(pi x Area) ,but the other way is easier for me, because I don't have to memorizeanother formula. I find deriving easier than memorizing..

If the radius of a circle is 21cm What is the radius?

The radius of any circle is the straight line distance from the centre of the circle to any point on the circumference of the circle. The radius being 21 cm makes no difference to the definition of the radius; it just means that the straight line distance from the centre of that circle is 21cm away from any point on the circumference of that circle. The radius of a circle with a radius of 21 cm is 21 cm.

How do you find the centre of a circle given part of a radius?

You would have to know the length of the radius. The center of the circle is at one end of the radius. If you just know where some part of the radius is, and not that the part touches the circle then you cannot know where the center is without at lest a point on the circumference.

If the Circumference of a circle is 20 what is its radius?

Just divide the circumference by (2 x pi). Pi is about 3.1416.

If the radius of a circle is 8.1 what is the circumference?

The formula for the circumference of a circle is C = 2πr, where r is the radius. Substituting 8.1 for the radius, we get C = 2 * π * 8.1 ≈ 50.92. Therefore, the circumference of the circle is approximately 50.92.

What happens to the circumference of a circle if you triple the radius?

Since circumference is proportional to the diameter (the proportionality is the definition of the irrational number pi) and the radius is just twice the diameter, if you triple the radius, you also triple the circumference.