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Q: How do you find the constant of proportionality or ratio of n to m in a triangle?
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How do you find constant of proportionality using equation?

If the equation is y = kx then the constant of proportionality is k.

How do you find constant in math?

The answer depends on what the constant is: the y-intercept in a linear graph, constant of proportionality, constant of integration, physical [universal] constant.

How do you find ratio of a triangle?

The answer depends on what ratio of the triangle you are interested in.

How do you find the constant of proportionality?

K=Constant of proportionalityF=Force measured in N∆L= Total lengthK=F/∆L

Ratio of the angles in a triangle?

if the angle of a triangle are in the ratio 7:11:18,find the angle

Can you find the constant of proportionality when given a certain situation?

If the variables are in direct or inverse proportion then yes; otherwise no.

How do you find the ratio of a triangle?

The Pothagerean theorem.

How can you find the constant of proportionality from a table of a proportional relationships?

Divide any number in the second set by the corresponding number in the first set.

What ratio do you use to find the sine of an angle in a right triangle?

Sine ratio = opposite/hypotenuse

HOW do you find the similar ratio of a triangle?

Divide the length of a side of one triangle by the length of the corresponding side of the other triangle.

If Abcd efgh are similar find the length of eh?

It is k times the length of Ad where k is the constant of proportionality between the two shapes.

How can you find the unit rate or constant of proportionality in a table?

If the relationship between two variables in a table is that of direct variation, then the unit rate or the constant of proportionality is determined by dividing any non-zero value of one of the variables by the corresponding value of the other variable.