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Circles have diameters, rectangles have diagonals.

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Q: How do you find the diameter of a rectangel?
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What is the primeter of a rectangel 8m x 3 m?

Assuming that primeter is your way of spelling perimeterand rectangel is your way of spelling rectangle, the answer is 22 metres.

How is a square a rectangel?

eat butt stupid how do you not know

Does a rectangel have no right angels?

A rectangle has 4 right angles

What is the area of a rectangel with 39 in and 26 in?

1014 since that is 39x26

What is the formula of the area of rectangel?

Area of rectangle = length * breadth

Why are yoga mats rectangular?

they are made out of a matiral and it only comes in a rectangel

What is another word for rectangel?

A "typo", perhaps.Another word for a rectangle is an oblong.

How do you draw a crystal?

just draw a rectangel with a point at the end or the top

Does a rectangel have obtuse angles?

No because a rectangle has 4 right angles