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The answer will depend on the shape itself and what other information you have about it. Otherwise, there is no option but to measure them.

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Q: How do you find the dimension of a shape?
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How do you find the overall dimension of a can?

find the dimension.

What is shape and what is dimension?

Dimension is the height, width & length of an object. But that object, within those 3 measurements, can have infinite variations in shape.

What is the area of any shape?

It is a measure of 2-dimension space that is contained within the boundaries of the shape.It is a measure of 2-dimension space that is contained within the boundaries of the shape.It is a measure of 2-dimension space that is contained within the boundaries of the shape.It is a measure of 2-dimension space that is contained within the boundaries of the shape.

What is a figure with 3 dimensions?

a 3 dimension shape.

How do you find the missing dimension?

To find a missing dimension of an object find the size of its covering properties.

What is the difference between a 2 D shape and a 3 D shape?

The extra dimension: depth.

What do you call a 4 sided 2 dimension shape?

A quadrilateral

What is the definition of 2-D shapes?

2d shape is a dimension

Has 0 faces 0 vertices 0 edges?

there is no shape such as this in the 2nd or 3rd dimension the 1st dimension it is poosible

What is the shape of a rose flower in relation with mathematics?

The shape of a rose flower is known as a logarithmic spiral, which is a type of spiral that grows by equal factors in every direction. This spiral can be described mathematically using the equation r = a * e^(b*theta), where r is the distance from the center of the spiral, theta is the angle of rotation, and a and b are constants. The petals of a rose flower grow in this pattern to optimize exposure to sunlight and facilitate pollination.

What does dimension mean in maths?

It basically means the measure of the size of an object. Such as a shape is measured in length.