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The formula for discount calculations is:

Price x .Percentage = discount

Then you subtract the discount from the price.

(Don't forget the decimal).


Let's say you want to buy a pair of trousers for £40 and you are given a 30% discount.

£40 x .30 = £12 discount

£40 - £12 = £28

You would pay £28 after the 30% discount on a £40 pair of trousers.

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How do you find percent of disscount?

Discount divided by original price gives you a decimal which you then multiply by 100. This equals percent of discount Eg: $15 discount, $80 original price 15 / 80 = 0.1875 x 100 = 18.75%

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15 percent discount of 210 is 31.5.

How do you find the percent of discount if you know the original price in the sale price?

Percentage discount = 100*(1 - sale price/original price)

How would you find the price of a discounted item if you only know the percent of the discount?

You could not. You need to know the pre-discount price as well.

How do you find the discount?

Convert the discount into a decimal equivalent by removing the percent sign and placing the decimal 2 places to the left of the number in front of the percent sign. (25% = .25; 5% = .05, etc.). Then multiply the number that you want to find the discount for by the decimal equivalent. Example: to find how much 250 with a 15% discount is, multiply 250 x .15 (250 x .15 = 37.50).

What is the difference between a 50 percent discount and a discount of 33.33 percent?

A 50% discount is half off, and a 33.33% discount is one third off.