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you divide the surface area by the circumference.

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Q: How do you find the height of a cylinder if you have the circumference and the surface area?
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How do you find the surface area of a cylinder when given the height and circumstance?

Entire surface area of a cylinder = (2*pi*radius^2)+(circumference*height) If you are given the circumference then radius = circumference/2*pi

How do you derive of surface area of cylinder?

The surface area of a cylinder can be derived from the area of rectangle. If you 'unroll' a cylinder you have a shape of a rectangle, similar to a sheet of paper. The width of the rectangle will be the height of the cylinder and the length of the rectangle will be the circumference of the cylinder end.So, Area = length * widthwhere, width = height of cylinder & length = circumference of cylinder end = PI*(Diameter of cylinder)Therefore,surface area of a cylinder = (PI)*(diameter of cylinder)*(height of cylinder)Hope that helps!

How do you fin the surface area of a cylinder if you only have the height and circumference?

Find the radius by dividing the circumference by 2pi then find the area of the base and multiply it by the height

How do you find the area of a cylinder using it's circumference?

Take the circumference and multiply it by it's height to get the lateral surface area.

How do you find the area of an cylinder?

We assume the surface area of a cylinder excluding its ends. Area = height of cylinder multiplied by circumference. That is A = h x Pi x diameter.

How do you figure out the surface area of a cylninder?

Find the circumference of the circles (the ends) and multiply it by the height of the cylinder. Then add that to the area of the ends.

How do you find the height of a cylinder when all your given is surface area and diameter?

Divide the surface area by the circumference of the circle, which is a product of the diameter x Pi. Essentially, an unrolled cylinder is a rectangle.

What is the outside surface area of a solid cylinder 12 inches high with a diameter of 4 inches?

diameter X pi = circumference circumference X height = area

What is the surface area of a cylinder whose end area is 11 and height is 11 rounded to the nearest whole number?

Imagine taking the ends off the cylinder, cutting the side down from end to end and unrolling the side; this creates a rectangle with the height of the cylinder along one edge and the circumference of the end along the other. Thus area of side = circumference × height. The ends of the cylinder are circles, thus: area = π × radius² → radius = √(area ÷ π) circumference = 2 × π × radius → circumference = 2 × π × √(area ÷ π) = 2 × √(area × π) → area side = 2 × √(area × π) × height → surface area of cylinder = 2 × area ends + area side → surface area = 2 × 11 units² + 2 × √(11 units² × π) × 11 units → surface area = 22 + 22 × √(11π) units² → surface area ≈ 22 + 129.33 units² ≈ 151 units²

What is the height of a cylinder that has a diameter of 24 yards and a surface area of 1206 square yards and how do you find that out?

The circumference is 24*Pi yards.The surface area = circumference x heightthereforeheight = surface area / circumference = 1206 sq.yd. / 24*Pi yd. = 15.9951 yards or 16 yards (rounded).

How do you find lateral area of a cylinder?

To find the lateral area of a cylinder, multiply the circumference (πd) by the height (πdh). After you have this, you can find the total surface area by adding twice the area of the base (2πr2).(Lateral area = πdh), (Surface area = πdh + 2πr2).

What is the lateral area of cylinder?

Lateral Area= (2pi)x(radius)x(height) Try imagining that you take the lateral area and unfold it from the cylinder. If you imagine it correctly you get a rectangle. The height of the cylinder is the height of the rectangle. Then the circumference is the length. SO you multiply the circumference of the base times the height.