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Lets assume the length of the cube edge is x.
Lets assume the surface area to volume ratio is y.

Now, the surface area of a single face of the cube (being a square) is x^2.
The total surface area of the cube is 6x^2 (because there are six faces).

Now, the volume of the cube is x^3.

The ratio of surface area to volume (y) can be written as:
y = 6x^2 / x^3

We need to reduce the equation and re-arrange it so that the equation gives the value of x rather than y. Lets simplify the right hand side by removing two "x"s from the top and the bottom. That gives:
y = 6 / x

Now we multiply both the left hand side and the right hand side by "x" to get:
xy = 6

Finally we divide both the left hand side and the right hand side by "y" to get:
x = 6/y

Just to be sure we can test the equation with a couple of examples:
1. A cube with length 1 has a volume of 1 and an area of 6. So the ratio would be 1/6. Putting this into the equation as y gets us back the value of x.

2. A cube with length 2 has a volume of 8 and an area of 24. So the ratio would be 3. Putting 3 into the equation for the value of y we again get the right value of x, 2.

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A cube with an edge length of 6 units has a 216 square unit surface area and a 216 cubic unit volume.

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Congruent ones. A cube of side x has a volume of x3. Any other cube, of volume x3 must have sides of length x and so the two cubes must be congruent.

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For a cube with edge length, L. Surface area = 6L2. Volume = L3. So ratio of Surface Area / Volume = 6 / L. Therefore, as the side length, L, increases, the ratio will decrease.

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You multiply the length by the width by the height to get the volume.

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Volume is equal to Length x Width x Height. 5x3x2=30 cubes

How Do You determined The volume Of The cubes?

You multiply the height, length, and width of the cube and the answer is the volume.

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Yes Volume: Is the amount it takes to build it. Surface Area: Is how much is on the surface.

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Yes they would have to be similar cubes.

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A cubes volume is equal to the length of it's side^3. So if the side has length 2, the volume is 2*2*2 = 8.

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