The maximum of the sine and cosine functions is +1, and the minimum is -1.
max = a > b ? a : b; max = max > c ? max : c;
int max = a>b?a:b; // set max to the larger of a and b
int matrix[][]; // the matrix to find the max in int max = matrix[0][0]; int r,c; for(r = 0; r < 3; ++r) { for(c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { if(matrix[r][c] > max) { max = matrix[r][c]; } } } // max is now the maximum number in matrix
In Excel, you can use the max() function. You can type a range (or several ranges) within the max() function. For a single range, just type: =max( and select the desired range, then type the closing parenthesis.
1.cosine 2.exponential 3.min-max value 4.sine
When you turn on a switch between a battery and capacitor, there is an inrush of current, but we measure zero volts across the cap because it is effectively shorted at this instant. As the cap charges, current drops and voltage rises. When it's fully charged, the voltage is max, and no more current flows. If we put AC across the cap, it does this every half cycle. Max, current, zero volts, building up to max voltage, zero current. Then it does this for the other half cycle. If we plot this on a graph, the voltage goes from zero to max at the same time current goes from max to zero. We say that "The voltage lags the current". Do this over several cycles and you'll have a sine wave for voltage and cosine wave for current. Sine and cosine are 90 degrees out of phase. Here's more information:
They are both statistical functions.
The MAX function gets the highest value in a range and the MIN function gets the lowest. If there were values in all the cells from A2 to A20, you could use the two functions to get the highest and lowest values in the range:=MAX(A2:A20)=MIN(A2:A20)
Any function can be used in a formula, depending on what the formula needs to do. There are well over 300 functions in Excel. Some of the most commonly used functions include SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, IF and COUNT, amongst many others.Any function can be used in a formula, depending on what the formula needs to do. There are well over 300 functions in Excel. Some of the most commonly used functions include SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, IF and COUNT, amongst many others.Any function can be used in a formula, depending on what the formula needs to do. There are well over 300 functions in Excel. Some of the most commonly used functions include SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, IF and COUNT, amongst many others.Any function can be used in a formula, depending on what the formula needs to do. There are well over 300 functions in Excel. Some of the most commonly used functions include SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, IF and COUNT, amongst many others.Any function can be used in a formula, depending on what the formula needs to do. There are well over 300 functions in Excel. Some of the most commonly used functions include SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, IF and COUNT, amongst many others.Any function can be used in a formula, depending on what the formula needs to do. There are well over 300 functions in Excel. Some of the most commonly used functions include SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, IF and COUNT, amongst many others.Any function can be used in a formula, depending on what the formula needs to do. There are well over 300 functions in Excel. Some of the most commonly used functions include SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, IF and COUNT, amongst many others.Any function can be used in a formula, depending on what the formula needs to do. There are well over 300 functions in Excel. Some of the most commonly used functions include SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, IF and COUNT, amongst many others.Any function can be used in a formula, depending on what the formula needs to do. There are well over 300 functions in Excel. Some of the most commonly used functions include SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, IF and COUNT, amongst many others.Any function can be used in a formula, depending on what the formula needs to do. There are well over 300 functions in Excel. Some of the most commonly used functions include SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, IF and COUNT, amongst many others.Any function can be used in a formula, depending on what the formula needs to do. There are well over 300 functions in Excel. Some of the most commonly used functions include SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, IF and COUNT, amongst many others.
Maximum is the highest value from a set and minimum is the lowest number from a set. If you had a list of numbers in the cells from A2 to A20, you could find the highest and lowest values using the MAX and MIN functions as follows: =MAX(A2:A20) =MIN(A2:A20)
There is a specialised category of Financial functions that an accountant could use, but they would use all sorts of different Excel functions besides the Financial functions. So regular ones like SUM and MAX and so on.
effective values = Vm/SQR(2) max voltage / the square root of (2) same for current This doesn't apply for all periodic functions, only sinusoidal.
One can find information about Peter Max (who was an illustrator and graphic artist) on Wikipedia by searching "Peter Max". Max is probably also listed in various encyclopedias and other broad sources.
max = a > b ? a : b; max = max > c ? max : c;
Built-in formulas in Excel are known as functions. Here are five common ones: SUM AVERAGE COUNT MIN MAX