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The fact that they are negative only means that you subtract their absolute value.

So to get the mean of 5, 6 and -2

sum = 5 + 6 - 2 = 9

number of values = 3

mean = 9/3 = 3

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Q: How do you find the mean of a group of numbers where some are negative numbers?
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How do I Find the mean of negative numbers?

You find the mean of negative numbers the same way you find the mean of any numbers. You add them up and then you divide by the number of numbers. An example, using -3, -4, -6, and -9. The sum is -22. N is 4. The mean is -5.5.

How do you find the mean of a number?

You can easily find the mean of a group of numbers by getting the average. You can do that by simply adding up all of the numbers and then dividing that number by the number of numbers that you have.

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You have to add all the numbers together then divide it by how many numbers there are

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to find the mean of a group of numbers, add them together and divide by the number of numbers there are in that group. in this case there are 6

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Mean is the average. To find the average, add up the group of numbers and divide by how many numbers there were.

How do you find the mean of a group of numbers?

you add all of the numbers in the group together and then divide the number you get by how many numbers are in the group EX: your group is 21, 32, 12, 15. you add 21+32+12+15= 80. then you divide 80 by 4 because you have four numbers in your group. so your mean is 20!

Can the mean ever be negative?

Yes, if you are averaging numbers that include negative numbers.

What is the mean in math terms?

Mean refers to the average of a group of numbers. To find the mean, you add the numbers together and divide by the amount of numbers in the group. For instance, find the mean of 1, 2, 3 Add the numbers together. 1+2+3=6 3 numbers were in the original set of numbers so divide by 3 6/3=2 The mean is 2.

What does negative numbers mean in Maximum Likelihood estimation?

Negative numbers are numbers less than zero.

What is a negative mean?

IN statistics yes there is a negative mean. Mean is the average of multiple numbers. Negative is opposite of positive.

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The answer depends onwhat you mean by negative numbers: negative integers, negative rationals, or negative reals?what you mean by "combined with". The union of sets, a sum, multiple or some other Cartesian or cross product.