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Put them in order and it will be the 25th number.

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Q: How do you find the median of a set of 49 numbers?
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Find the median 37 56 49 and 20?

The median is the number in the middle. When you have a even number of numbers, as we do here, we take the mean of the two middle numbers. First put the numbers in ascending order. We have 20 37 49 56 . Since 37 and 49 are the two in the middle we take their mean. 37+49=86 and half of that is 43 so this is the median.

The median of four numbers is 48 if three of the numbers are 42 51 52 what is the other number?

45. The median is the "middle" value of a set, where half the numbers are larger and half are smaller. When a set has an even number of values (like this one), the median is the average of the two middle numbers.

How do you find the meadian?

If You Have Numbers: 2,2,2,5,5,7,7,8,11 You Add All Of The Numbers: 2+2+2+5+5+7+7+8+11=49 Then You Divide (Hint: Count How Much Numbers You Have In The Set Of Numbers) Then Divide By How Much Numbers You Counted: 49 Divided By 9 = 5.4444444 And So On So The Meadian Is 5.4444444 And So On That Is How You Get The Meadian In A Set Of Numbers* * * * * The above answer is totally incorrect. It gives the method for finding the MEAN which is not the MEDIAN. To find the median, put the numbers in ascending order and then find the middle one. If there are an even number of values, find the average (mean) of the middle two. So for the above example, there are 9 numbers so the middle one is the 5th. So the median is the 5th number = 5. f there was another 11, there would be 10 numbers and the median would be the average of the 5th and 6th numbers = (5+7)/2 = 6

What is the median 49 52 63?

A median is the middle number when a list of numbers are in order, so the median in this case is 52.

What is the median of these numbers 93 73 95 61 40 34 78 49?

The median is 67.

What is the median for 63 75 29 37 49?

The question is: What is the median for 63 75 29 37 49? Median means middle number. So you have to put the numbers in order from the largest to the smallest or from the smallest to the largest. So I will put them in order from smallest to the largest; 29-37-49-63-75. So because there are an uneven amount of numbers, you will always only have one middle number. In this case the middle number or the median number is 49. But please remember. If you have an even amount of numbers, you will ALWAYS have two middle numbers. In that case you must add the two middle numbers and divide them by two to get the Median number.

What would the median number be for the numbers 44 4749 54 and 67?


How do you find the mean median and mode?

To find the mean you add all the numbers together then divide by how many there are. Ex. 5+10+6+6+5+12+5=49 49/7=7 Mean=7 To find the median you put the numbers from least to greatest the find the number in the middle. (note: if there are two numbers in the middle add hem and divide by two.) Ex. 5,5,5,6,6,10,12 Median:6 To find the mode you look for the number that appears the most. (note: There can be more than one mode or there can be no mode) Ex. 5,5,5,6,6,10,12 Mode:5

Median of 44 47 49 54 67?

The median is 49.

Find two consecutive even integers whose sum is -96?

There is no set of two consecutive even numbers that total -96. There is only a set of odds. The numbers are -49 and -47.