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Q: How do you find the median of two points?
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How do you find the median when theres two middle numbers?

For an even number of data points the median is the average of the middle two values. I.e. add the two numbers and divide by 2.

What is the median of 15 min57sec and16min1sec?

The median of an even number of data points is the mean of the two that are central. Since you gave only 2 data points, the median is going to be the mean of the two data points, so 15'59" ■

How do you find the median if there are two data items in the middle?

take the average of them so say my points are: 1,2,3,3,4,6,7,8,9,9 then the median is between 4 and 6 so (4+6)/2 is 5

How do you find the median if there isn't a median?

You add the two numbers in the middle of your range and then you divide them by two, or just find the number that is halfway between the two numbers, and you then have your median.

What do you do when your trying to find the median of two numbers?

if you are trying to find the median and there is two middle numbers, you add the two Numbers together and divide is by two.

How do you find the median when there are 6 numbers?

you find the two numbers in the middle and add them. divide the sum by two. that's the median.

What happens to the median when you come up with two answer?

when you have an even amount of numbers while trying to find the median, you first find the two numbers that are at the median and then take all the numbers between them and find the median of that. if that amount of digits is also even, then you must have a decimal median.

How do you find out a median when there is only two numbers left?

If you need to find a median between two numbers, pick one of them arbitrarily.

How do you find the median with two numbers?

To find the median with two numbers, do as you would to find the "average" or the "mean" by finding the sum between the two numbers and dividing the sum (or total) by two.

How do you find the median when two numbers are in the middle?

If the two numbers are that same in the middle than the median is that number.However if the two numbers are different then you just find the average of those two numbers.

How to find the missing number if median is given?

The median is the middle number. If there is an odd number of numbers in the set, the median is the middle number, and the only way to find the missing number is if the median is the missing number. If there is an even number of numbers in the set, the median is the average of the two middle numbers, and the only way to find the missing number is if the median is one of those two numbers. If it is, you can take the median and the one of the two numbers you know. Use the formula (# +#)/2=median and solve.

How do you find the median of 4 numbers with 2 of those numbers being the same?

The fact that two of the four numbers are identical in no way changes the way you would find the median. When finding the median of a set of data, you must sort the data from highest to lowest (or lowest to highest). The data point right smack in the middle is the median. If there is an even number of data points -- as is the case here -- you must take the average of the two points in the middle. Let's say these are your data: 10, 10, 6, 3. The median is the average of 10 and 6, or 8. If your data is 10, 6, 6, 3, then the median is 6. If it's 10, 6, 3, 3, the median is 4.5 (the average of 6 and 3).