Multiply the amount by 0.15
Multiply the dollar amount by (1/100) of the percent commission.
new amount minus original amount over original amount
Percent- multiply amt x4.5%.
20 to 30 is a 50% increase.
Multiply the amount by 0.15
Multiply the dollar amount by (1/100) of the percent commission.
To find 61 percent of something, multiply the amount by .61
new amount minus original amount over original amount
Percent- multiply amt x4.5%.
You multiply the original amount by 1.1
20 to 30 is a 50% increase.
I think you subtract the new amount from the original amount and then move the decimal over twice to the right of the number and that's your percent. :)
Multiply the original amount by 1.10 .
The amount of tax divided by the percent of tax (expressed as a decimal) will equal the original price.
The final amount will be $280.00 + tax.
You would first find the percent (if it was 5% interest (for example) on a calculator you would do the amount then multiply by 5, then click the percent, by hand: you would multiply the amount you paid for then multiply by 0.05 then you would get the interest; simple math :D