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find it urself fool

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Q: How do you find the percentage of a number when there is no total?
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What is the equation to find the percentage of a number?

Number of total marks x100

How can you find the total number in a whole given the percent and the number of parts?

====== Answer 1: ----------- proportion... A portion of the total is to its percentage of the total as the total is to 100%.

How do you find out a lawyers win percentage?

If you have the number of wins and number of losses, divide wins by the total.

63 students is 70 percent of what number?

To find out what percentage of a number a certain number is, divide it by x/100. In this instance, 63 / (70/100) = 90.This is the opposite of what you would do if you were given the total, and told to find a certain percentage.

How do you find your grade by a fraction?

You have to divide the number of questions you answered correctly of the number of total questions then multiply by 100. (#correct over total#of questions) x 100 Or, you divided 100 by the total number of questions, then multiply by the number you got right to find your percentage.

How to get the percentage of the total?

Divide the number of interest by the total and multiply the result by 100. That is the percentage of the total.

What percentage of 200 is 34?

To find the percentage, divide the given number (34) by the total number (200) and multiply by 100. So, 34/200 * 100 = 17%.

How do you find the percentage of current assets to total assets?

percentage of current assets to total assets

What percent of 424?

To find the percentage of a number, divide the number by the total and multiply by 100. In this case, (424/100)*100 = 100%.

What pecentage is absent?

To find the percentage of students absent, divide the number of absent students by the total number of students and then multiply by 100. For example, if 10 students are absent out of a total of 50 students, the percentage absent would be (10/50) * 100 = 20%.

How do you find a percent of a quantity?

You divide the number you want to find the percentage of by the total number present (and then times by 100). For example - if you invite 15 people to a meeting and 12 turn up, to find the percentage you divide 12 by 15 and then times by a hundred. 12 ÷ 15 = 0.8 = 80%

What percentage of dentist have been hired in the past year?

find the number of dentists hired last year. Divide by the total number of dentists and multiply by 100.