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all you have to do is add together the four sides. 2L+2W=Perimeter (L=length or base, W=Width or height)

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Q: How do you find the perimeter of a rectangle when given the base and height?
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How do you find the height of a rectangle with the base and perimeter given?

Height = (Perimeter/2) - Base

How do you find out the measurement of the perimeter of a rectangle?

2*(base) + 2*(height) = perimeter

What is the perimeter of a rectangle with a base of 3in and a height of 7in?

20 in

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What is the perimeter formula for a rectangle?

2 x base + 2 x height= perimeter

What is a perimeter of a rectangle with 3 in in height and for in for base?

If you mean a 3 inches by 4 inches rectangle then its perimeter is 14 inches

What is the perimeter of a rectangle with base 12 and height 6?

It is 36 units.

What is the height of a rectangle with perimeter 118.8mm and base length 15.1?

44.3 mm

How do you find the area of the right angle triangle given the base hypotenuse and perimeter?

It is: perimeter minus hypotenus+base = height Area = 0.5*base*height

What is the height of a rectangle the perimeter was 210.2 mm and the base was 71.4 mm?

Height works out as: 33.7 mm Check: 2*(33.7+71.4) = 210.2 which is the perimeter

How do you find the perimeter of a rectangle if the area and base is given?

Well, the area of a rectangle is "base*height"You need to find the height in order to find the perimeterYou need to substitute everything you need to know in the area formulaEx: base=5 area=205*h=20Now you need to simplify the problemEx: h=4So now we know that the height is 4The perimeter formula is (2*base)+(2*height)Ex: (2*5)+(2*4)10+8Perimeter = 18

The perimeter of a rectangle is 38mthe base is four more than two times the heightwhat is the height?

Assuming that this question should have read, "The perimeter of a rectangle is 38m. The base is four more than two times the height. What is the height?", the answer can be obtained as follows: The perimeter of a rectangle is the twice the sum of its base and height. Call the unknown height h. Then, from the problem statement, 2[h + (2h + 4)] = 38. Expanding and collecting like terms gives 6h = 30 or h = 5 m.