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first you look at the first number tell what that number is then you

just find the first digit.

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Q: How do you find the position of the first digit of a quotient?
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Look for the first digit that is different. In this case, the first digit after the decimal point. The number that has the larger digit in this position, is larger. If the first digit is the same, compare the second digit with the second digit, the third digit with the third digit, and so forth, until you find a difference.

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Positive integers are greater than negative integers. For positive integers: * The integer with more digits is larger. * If two integers have the same length, compare the first digit. If the first digit is the same, compare the second digit, then the third, etc., until you find a difference. In each case, the integer with the larger digit (at the first position where you find a difference) is the larger one.

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Assuming you are rounding to the nearest 10, and not, for example, the nearest 220, the number you are looking for is 438.

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Since the integer part is the same, you need to compare the decimal digits, one at a time.That is, compare the first digit with the first digit; if (as in this case) they are the same, you compare the second digit with the second digit - until you find two digits that are different in the same position.

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Compare one digit at a time, from left to right, until you find a digit that is different. The number with the greater digit in this position is the larger number.

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100 divided by 4 is 25.

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In such cases, you should compare one digit at a time, from left to right, until you find a digit that is different in the two numbers. That is, compare the first digit (after the decimal period) with the first digit, the second digit with the second digit, etc.

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Just compare the digits one by one: compare the first digit after the decimal point with the first digit of the other number, the second digit with the second digit, etc., until you find a digit that is different.

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