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Q: How do you find the radius of 14 inch pipe?
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How many gallons of water per foot will a 14 inch pipe hold?

The volume of a cylinder is (pi) x (radius)2 x (length).Radius of an 18-inch pipe = 9 inchesVolume of 1 foot of pipe = (pi) x (9)2 x (12) = 3,053.63 cubic inches = 13.22 gallons (rounded)What you put in it is your own business.

How many meters cubed oil in a 14 inch dia pipe 227 kilometers long?

14 inches diameter = 0.3556 metres. radius = 0.1778 πr2 = 0.0993 m2 227Km @ 0.0993 = 22544.43 m3

What is the diameter of a circle with a 7 inch radius?

The radius is half of the diameter. So, if the radius is 7 the diameter is 14.

Can a 20 inch by 10 footpvc pipe hold 200 pounds?

probably but i would not try it us maybe a 14 foot 20 inch pipe will do better

What is the circumference of a 14 inch radiuns circle?

Circumference of 14 inch radius circle: 2*pi*14 = 28*pi inches or about 87.96 inches rounded to two decimal places

What is the surface area of a 14 inch sphere?

The surface area of a 14-inch sphere is 615.75 square inches.The formula for the surface area of a sphere is 4*pi*r2 where r=radius

How much volume in a 8 inch pipe 14 inches tall?

V = 703.7 cubic inches.

How many Square inches in a 14 inch circle?

I assume that a 14 inch circle is a circle 14 ionches in diameter. Use the formula Area = Pi x radius of the circle X radius of the circle The radius is half the diameter. Pi is 3.14159 (appx) So the area = 3.14159 X 7 X 7 = 153.937 square inches. Or approximately 154 square inches

What is the cubic feet in a pipe that is 8 feet long by 24 inches in diameter?

A 14-inch diameter by 20 foot long pipe has a volume of: 21.38 cubic feet.

If a seven inch pizza cost 4.00 and the price of the 14 inch is proportional to the cost of the seven inch how much would the fourteen inch pizza cost?

The area of the pizza inceases as the square of the radius (or diameter). Assuming the thickness remains the same, then the volume also increases as the square of the radius. So, double radius implies quadruple area implies quadruple cost.

The radius of the cylinder is 14 inches To find its circumference use?

Use: 2*pi*radius = circumference

How thick is the pipe if the outside diameter of 16 inches and inside 14 inches?

Then the wall thickness is 1 inch