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just buy a PVC with a 90 degree already on it, then hook up a straight hose!

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Q: How do you find the radius of a PVC elbow?
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Where on your body would you find the ulna radius and humerus?

The ulna bone is located on the your pinky side of your arm, the radius bone is located on your thumb side of your arm. And the humerus is the bone located above your elbow. There are pics on google.

Is elbow proximal the wrist?

No. The wrist is DISTAL to the elbow. The radius and the ulna ( your forearm ) are what separates the elbow joint from the carpals, and the metacarpals, which is your wrist.

What is your elbow bone connected to?

your elbow is a joint, it is connected to your Humerus, Radius and Unla

Where does ulna meets the radius?

At the elbow and the wrist.

Where are the radius and ulna?

In the forearm.The ulna and radius are found in the forearm. In your arm.where in the human body would you find the radius?The radius is if you place your hand with your thumb in thumbs up it is on the top of the place in between your hand and elbow. The ulna is the other.Forearm

What bone is your elbow actually?

the humerus and the radius meet together to form your elbow. your elbow actually consists of a joint.

What is the Dfference between 5d 45 DEG elbow and 10d 45DEG elbow?

The main difference between a 5d and a 10d 45-degree elbow is the radius of the curved portion. A 5d elbow has a radius of five times the nominal diameter, while a 10d elbow has a radius of ten times the nominal diameter. This means that the 10d elbow will have a larger curve, requiring more space for installation compared to the 5d elbow.

Are forearm and elbow bone the same meaning?

There is no such thing as an elbow bone, because the elbow is a joint. The forearm has the Ulna and the Radius bones, and there is no elbow bone.

What would be the radius of 6 inches long radius 90 degree elbow?


What are the different types of PVC elbow fittings available in the market?

There are several types of PVC elbow fittings available in the market, including 45-degree elbows, 90-degree elbows, and street elbows. These fittings are commonly used in plumbing and irrigation systems to change the direction of PVC pipes.