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The answer depends on what group or field the function is defined on.

In the complex plane, the range is the complex plane.

If the domain is all real numbers and the radical is an odd root (cube root, fifth root etc), the range is the real numbers. Otherwise, it is the complex plane.

If the domain is non-negative real numbers, the range is also the real numbers.

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Q: How do you find the range of a radical function?
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How does one find the range of a radical function?

You need to know the domain in order to find the range.

What is radical function?

A function that has a variable under a radical sign.

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What is an radical?

It is a power function.

How do you find the range for a function?

The range of a function is the set of all of the possible values that it can take on as an output value. You find the range by inspecting the function and seeing first what the domain is, and then what the range would be for that domain. The domain, then, is the set of all of the possible values that it can take on as an input value.

How do you find the domain and a range of a function?

i dont know, but you can find it at

How can you find the domain and range of a function?

The domain is a subset of the values for which the function is defined. The range is the set of values that the function takes as the argument of the function takes all the values in the domain.

How do you find the range with the domain?

Find the range of a function by substituting the highest domain possible and the lowest domain possible into the function. There, you will find the highest and lowest range. Then, you should check all the possible cases in the function where a number could be divided by 0 or a negative number could be square rooted. Remove these numbers from the range. A good way to check to see if you have the correct range is to graph the function (within the domain, of course).

What is an inverse radical?

It is a power function.

What is the function of radical?

The function of a radical in math is to indicate the operation of taking the root of a number. It is represented by placing a radical symbol (√) before the number. The number inside the radical is known as the radicand.

How do you find the domain if you are given the range?

Use the function to find the image of each point in the domain. The set of values that you get will be the range. If the function is well behaved, you will not have to try each and every value in the domain.

What is a real world example of a radical function?

The diagonal of a unit square, for example, is radical(2).