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If you know one of the sides of both the rectangles than you just divide them by one another to find the scale factor.

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Q: How do you find the scale factor from a large rectangle to a small rectangle?
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What is an example of a scale factor?

If a big triangle has a base length of 6, and a small triangle has a corresponding base length of 3, the scale factor from large to small is 2/1 (or 2). The scale factor from small to large would be 1/2.

How do you calculate the scale factor if you have the scale?

You calculate the scale factor if you do have a scale is by dividing if it is a small shape to a large shape and multiplying if it is a large shape to a small shape example: shape 1 sqaure shape 2 square equation 2 10 10/2=5 shape 2 square shape 2 square equation 10 2 2/10

What is the scale factor used to dilate from small to big triangle?

You need numbers from the sides of the triangles. Take numbers from the corresponding (matching) sides, one number from the small triangle, and one number from the big triangle. Then divide the big number by the small number. The answer is the scale factor. Put another way, the scale factor is the number that multiplies the small triangle to create the large triangle.

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Here is a little trick to know how to tell the difference between a large scale map, and a small scale map. A large scale map is a map where your house would look large on it. For example, a map of your neighborhood, or a map of you area. (You can see you house on this map) A small scale map is a map where your house would look small on it (or you can't see it at all), like a map of the world, or a map of Europe. So large scale = large house small scale = small house.