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Scientific notation is a way of representing numbers, usually very large or very small, in the form

a*10^b where 1<= |a| < 10 is a decimal number and b is an integer (negative or positive).

a is called the mantissa and b is called the exponent.

To convert a number to scientific notation:

  • If the number has no decimal point, then add one at the end.
  • Then move the decimal point to just after the first digit while counting the number of places you have moved it.
  • The new number, formed after moving the decimal point is a.
  • If the original number is negative, then so is a.
  • The number of places to the left that the decimal point was moved is b. If it was moved to the right, then b is negative.

For example:

23045.06 becomes 2.304506*10^4

-23045.06 becomes -2.304506*10^4

0.00023004 becomes 2.3004*10^(-4)

To convert a number in scientific notation to normal form:

  • If b is positive, move the decimal point b places to the right in the number a - adding 0s at the end of the number, if required.
  • If b is negative, move the decimal point b places to the left in the number a - adding 0s immediately after the decimal point, if required.
  • The final expression has the same sign (+ or -) as a in the scientific form.

For example:

4.56*10^5 = 456000.

-4.56*10^5 = -456000.

4.56*10^(-5) = 0.0000456

I have avoided using the term "Standard form" because, ironically, it is a non-standard term. In the UK Standard and Scientific forms are the same whereas in the US, the Standard form is what I have chosen to call the normal form.

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How do you find scientific notation on excel?

You find scientific notation in Excel under the Format - Number menu.

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You can find scientific notation being used wherever numbers are very large or very small.

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Just remember that there is one digit to the left of the decimal in scientific notation. All the other digits go on the right of the decimal. Then find an appropriate power of ten to write the rest of the number. Your 3,400 in scientific notation is 3.4 x 104in scientific notation.

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Convert back to standard notation. Subtract, then convert back to sci. notation.

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scientific notation is a shorter way to write large number. If you have 30,000in scientific notation it's 3*10^4

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It is 8.9*10^-5 in scientific notation

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It is simply: 4.93*10^-1

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It is "(scientific notation)".

What is the law of scientific notation?

There is no such law. "Scientific notation" is a convention (not a law), that lets you write very large or very small numbers in a brief way (without writing lots of zeros). You can find details, and examples, in the Wikipedia article on "Scientific notation".

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The scientific notation for 89,450 is: 8.945 &times; 104

What is 27 in scientific notation?

It is: 2.7*10^0 in scientific notation