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Q: How do you find the serface area?
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How do you find the serface area of a sphere?

note; radius is 1/2 the diameter 4 x 3.14 x radius2

What is the serface area of a rectangler prism with a base of height of and with of?

Surface Area of prisms is this formula: SA=LA+2B SA being surface area. LA being lateral area which is perimeter of the base times the height. 2B being 2 times the area of the base. So find LA and the area of the base times 2 and then add them both up.

Which is the largest lake in the world and where is it found?

Depends on what your asking, i its fresh water by volume then its Lake Superior in America, If its by serface area then i dont know.

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It is anywhere the is smooth stone, even on the serface, like on a cliff, or a chunk loading error.

What is the study of the earths serface called?


What is Plutos serface like?

rocky and blue

What is a rectangular face?

if you have a 3d cuboid it is the smooth serface

What does the serface of Uluru feel like?

Go rub a rock

What is the force acting perpendicular to a certain serface area?

The force acting perpendicular to a surface area is called normal force. It is the force that a surface exerts on an object placed on it, counteracting the force of gravity acting on the object.

Why are geysers were they are?

Geysers are caused by pressure under the earth's serface, kind of like a tea kettle, the magma heats the under waters springs untill it explodes. So geysers are found near hotsprings deep below the serface.

Is Heat radiation depent the quality of serface its smoothness or raughness?

Conduction may be, but not radiation.

Why can a sewing neadle flote on the serface of water?

it doesn't have enough force to brake the surface tension