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You need to provide more information. For example, If you were told you had a cube with a volume of 1 cubic ft then you know each side is 1 ft because a cube defines equal sides. If the volume was in a rectangular shape there would be many answers.

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Q: How do you find the side length when you know the volume?
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How can you find the volume of a cube if you know the length of each side?

Each side has 2 cm of length = 2x2x2= 8cm3

How to find side of a cube if the volume is given?

Find the cube root of the volume. Volume of a cube = length of side^3 therefore length of side = volume^(1/3)

How do you find the length of a side of a cube when volume is given?

Cube root the volume as for example if its volume was 27 then the cube root of 27 is 3 which is its side length

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You have to know that [ Volume = (length) x (width) x (height) ]. Then, you can divide each side of that equation by (length x height), and you wind up with Width = Volume/(length x height)

Find the volume of a cube with a side whose length is s?

Volume = s3

How do you find volume of a cube side length?

If you have the length of a side, you cube it, to get the volume. For instance, if the length of the side is 10 cm, the volume is 10 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm = 1000 cubic cm.

How do you find the area of a side of a box when you know the volume and its length?

Not enough information. If you know ONE side of the box, you have many different combinations for the OTHER TWO sides, to have a certain volume - and each of these will give you different areas.

How do you get a side length of a cube with volume?

The volume of a cube is a side cubed. V=S3 So, to find the length of a side, solve for S, to find that the side equals the cube root of the volume. Ex: Volume=8 cubic meters Then 8=S3, therefore s=2 meters.

How do you find the empty space if you put a sphere in a cube?

To determine empty space, we will assume that the sphere fits snugly(so that each side of the cube is touching the sphere). First, we take the volume of the cube, which is just one of its side lengths cubed(side length X side length X side length). Record this quantity. Then we find the volume of the sphere. The formula for the volume of a shere is (4/3) Pi r cubed. Since the sphere fits snugly, we know that the radius is half of the side length. We then take the cube volume and subtract the sphere volume, and that is the empty space remaining.

How do you find the side length of a cube if you have the volume?

Find the cube root of the volume. You'll probably need a calculator.

How do you find the volume of a cube by only knowing the surface area?

From the surface area, calculate the length of each side: area = 6 x side2.Once you know this side, you can get the cube of it, to obtain the volume.

How do you find the sides of a cube when the volume is given?

The side length is the cube root of the volume.