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It is very easy just apply the trignometric ratios ull get the second side to find the third side u will need to use phytagoras theorem. good luck.

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Q: How do you find the sides of a right triangle with only one side and one angle?
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If three sides of triangle are 8cm 6cm 10cm Then find largest angle?

It is a right angle triangle and its largest angle is 90 degrees

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If 2 sides are known then use Pythagoras' theorem to find the 3rd side of a right angle triangle.

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180-x-y (x and y are the sides you already know) there are 180 degrees in a triangle. The remaining # is the last angle

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A right angle triangle has 3 sides as does all other types of triangles.

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Depends on the Triangle. Right triangles with a 90 degree angle:

How do you find out if a triangle is a right triangle?

if the triangle has one right angle in it

How do you find the angle of a an right triangle?

The 90 degree angle in a right angle triangle is opposite its hypotenuse.

How do you find the area of a right angle triangle with all sides given?

(base x height) / 2

How do you find the two shorter sides of a triangle when all you know if the hypotenuse and nothing else?

If it has an hypotenuse then it is a right angle triangle and if you know its angles then use trigonometry to find its other two sides.

Who uses cotangent?

The cotangent is used when you want to find an unknown angle in a right angled triangle when two sides (not the hypotenuse) and the included right angle are known.

How do you find the length of a side of a triangle which is not a right angled triangle given two lengths and an angle?

Depending on which sides and angle are known you would use one of the trigonometry functions.