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Quite simply the circumference is always 2 x pi times the radius. As a result, the slope is also 2 x pi.

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Q: How do you find the slope of the straight line that is the graph of the function expressing the circumference of a circle as a function of the radius?
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What is the straight line which touches the circumference in a circle?

It is the tangent of the circle

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A straight line touching the circumference of circle at one point is a tangent

How do you represent the circumference of a circle as a function of its diameter?

Circumference = pi*diameter.

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By using the well-known formula, A = pi x r2, and expressing the radius in terms of the circumference, r = c / (2 x pi). Replace in the first formula, and simplify. f

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It is the radius.

What is a Straight line from the centre to the circumference of a circle?

The radius.

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The name of a straight line joining two points on the circumference of a circle is a chord.If the line passes through the the centre of the circle it is called a diameter

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The radius of a circle is a straight line from the centre of the circle to its circumference.

The diameter of a circle?

The diameter of a circle is a straight line going from one point on the circumference (the boundary) of the circle, through the centre of the circle, to another point on the circumference.

How is a tangent different from a chord?

A tangent is a straight line that touches the outside circumference of a circle at one point whereas a chord is a straight line within a circle that spans its circumference.

Diameter of circle?

360 degrees * * * * * That is a nonsensical answer. The diameter of a circle is a straight line segment, going from the circumference of the circle, through the centre, to the circumference on the other side.