Although there is a method similar to long division, it is rather difficult to explain. So the best ways are:
Use a calculator.
Use trial and error to get a rough estimate and improve on it.
The square root of 95 = 9.746794345 2 times 9.746794345 = 19.49358869.
sqrt(95) cannot be simplified.
Press the square root button on your calculator.
The square root of a/b is equal to the square root of a divided by the square root of b. I hope this helps you.
The 5th square root of 95 is approximately 2.882.
The square root of 9025 is 95.
The square root of 95 = 9.746794345 2 times 9.746794345 = 19.49358869.
Since 95 is positive, its square root is real. Only negative numbers have non-real square roots. That leaves the question of whether it is rational or irrational. An integer's square root can only be rational if it is itself an integer. But 95 is not a perfect square, so it's square root is not an integer. Therefore the square root is irrational.
sqrt(95) cannot be simplified.
find the square root of the numerator and the square root of the denominator
Press the square root button on your calculator.
Find the square root of each of its components, and muliply them together. For example, 36x8 the square root of 36 is 6 the square root of x8 is x4 so the square root of 36x8 is 6x4