Square root (24) - square root (6) = 2.44948974
24 is the square root of 576.
The square root of any positive real number (as in this case) is a real number. (Such square roots are usually irrational.)The square root of a negative real number, such as the square root of -15, is an imaginary, and therefore also a complex, number.
You can factorise 576 into its prime factors: 576 = 26*32 then halve each power and multiply: 23*31 = 24 Then add the possibility that the square root is negative. Answer: -24 or 24.
No. The square root of -24 isn't even real, let alone rational because the square root of any negative number is going to be an imaginary number.
Square root (24) - square root (6) = 2.44948974
24 is the square root of 576.
The square root of any positive real number (as in this case) is a real number. (Such square roots are usually irrational.)The square root of a negative real number, such as the square root of -15, is an imaginary, and therefore also a complex, number.
imaginary numbers are numbers that are a negative square root, which is not possoble therefor it is called and imaginary number. ex the square root of -24 is an imaginary number
You can factorise 576 into its prime factors: 576 = 26*32 then halve each power and multiply: 23*31 = 24 Then add the possibility that the square root is negative. Answer: -24 or 24.
imaginary numbers are numbers that are a negative square root, which is not possoble therefor it is called and imaginary number. ex the square root of -24 is an imaginary number
The square root of 576 is 24 because 242 = 576
Such that the square root of 576 is 24, the square root of -576 is 24i. A lower-case i refers to the square root of -1.
-8x3 = -24 which has no square root in Real numbers. The square root of -24 is ±4.898979*i where i is the imaginary square root of -1.