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You align their decimal points. Sum the numbers as normal and, in the answer, place the decimal point so that it lines up with those of the summands.

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Q: How do you find the sum of decimal numbers?
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The average of a group of numbers is equal to the sum of the numbers divided by the number of numbers. If you want to find the sum of the five numbers, just multiply 790.6 by 5 to get the sum, which is 3953

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Yes, the mean can be a decimal because the mean is a+b+c+d+(the numbers)....=e(the sum of the numbers), then e/(the quantity of numbers added together to get e)=f(the mean). Sometimes the sum may not go into the quantity in a whole number, which gives you a decimal.

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The average of any group of numbers is (the sum of the numbers in the group) divided by (the number of items in the group). It doesn't matter whether the numbers are integers, fractions, decimals, positive, or negative.

How do you find the sum?

adding numbers together has the answer to the sum.

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You will find the sum of the numbers.

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