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You find the surface area of each individual face - whether plane or curved - and then sum all those areas together.

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Q: How do you find the surface area of a three dimensional figure?
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To find the surface area of a three dimensional figure what do you have to find?

You need to find the area of each two dimensional surface on the figure. Do you have a specific figure in mind?

To find the surface area of the three dimensional figure you must find the perimeter of a face and then multiply by the height?

NO. This is the way to get the volume of a prism, not the surface area of any three-dimensional figure. To find the surface area of a three-dimensional figure, you must find the area of each of its faces and then add the side-areas together.

What is a three dimensional figure that has length width and height?

a solid figure

The sum of the areas of the face or surfaces of a three dimensional figure?

The answer is surface area.

Is it true that to find the surface area of a three dimensional figure you must find the area of each of its faces and then add them together?

TRUE: To find the surface area of a three dimensional figure, you must find the area of each of its faces and then add them together.

What is the sum of the areas of all of the faces of a three dimensional figure?

Its total surface area.

Is it true that to find the surface area of a three dimensional figure you must find the area of each of its faces and then multiply them together?

False.To find the surface area of a three-dimensional figure, find the area of the faces and add them together.

How does knowing the area of two-dimensional figures help you find the surface area of a three-dimensional shape?

The surface area of the 3-D figure will be the total of the areas of the 2-D figures.

Is surface area the same as area?

The term area is generally reserved for a two-dimensional polygon, but surface area is the term of the area of the different surfaces on a three-dimensional figure---the faces on the object. So no, they are not the same.

Are surface area and area different?

Surface area concerns a 3-dimensional figure such as a cube or sphere. Area concerns a 2-dimensional figure such as a square or circle.

What is the answer to To find the surface area of a three-dimensional figure you must find the area of each?

... face and add them together.

What is the difference of surface area and area?

surface area is the like the area of the outside of a 3 dimensional figure, area is the measure of what is inside a 2 dimensional