First you calculate the amount of the tax on the item.
Then you add together the original cost of the item and the tax.
The total tax is $1.06 and the total price with tax is $14.37
Total tax is 2.63$, so the total cost is 37.63$
The total tax is $35.00
The total tax is $2.83 and the price before tax was $47.17.
You simply multiply the tax rate with the item's original cost and divide by hundred, to get the tax. Then you add that to the original cost, to get the total cost. In Java you use + to add, * to multiply, and / to divide.
The total tax is $1.06 and the total price with tax is $14.37
The total tax is $0.25 and the total price with tax is $3.24
Total tax is 2.63$, so the total cost is 37.63$
The total tax is $0.93 and the total price with tax is $22.88.
The total tax is $177.00 and the total price with tax is $3,127.00.
The total tax is $26.32 and the total price with tax is $355.32
c = 1.0825p
The total tax is $35.00
The total tax is $2.83 and the price before tax was $47.17.
The total tax is $10.50 and the total price with tax is $150.50.