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You can use the equation v = u + at from kinematics

v = final velocity, which in this case is 0 because the object eventually hits the floor.

u = initial velocity which is given to you

a = acceleration which is always 9.8m/s^2 when dealing with falling objects

t = time. manouver the equation and solve for time.

Keep in mind that I havn't taken into account movement in the x-y direction and assumed that it is just a falling object falling in the -y direction.


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Q: How do you find the total time that on object is in the air with an initial velocity?
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How do you find final Velocity of an object?

The final velocity is (the initial velocity) plus (the acceleration multiplied by the time).

How do you find the initial velocity given only the distance and the time traveled?

You can't. You need either the final velocity or the acceleration of the object as well, and then you can substitute the known values into a kinematics equation to get the initial velocity.

How do you find initial acceleration.?

The initial acceleration of an object can be found by calculating the change in velocity over time. This can be done by dividing the final velocity by the time taken to reach that velocity. The formula for initial acceleration is: initial acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time.

What is the formula for calculating final velocity when you know the initial speed and the acceleration?

the formula for finding acceleration is final velocity, minus initial velocity, all over time. So if you have the acceleration and initial speed, which is equal to the initial velocity, you must also have time in order to find the final velocity. Once you have the time, you multiply it by the acceleration. That product gives you the difference of the final velocity and initial velocity, so then you just add the initial velocity to the product to find the final velocity.

How do you find acceleration falling object with only speed and distance?

a = (v2 - u2)/2s where a is the acceleration between the initial point in time and the final point in time, u is the initial velocity v is the final velocity s is the distance travelled

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What information do you need in order to find a object's acceleration?

To find an object's acceleration, you need its initial velocity, final velocity, and the time it takes to change from the initial velocity to the final velocity. The formula for acceleration is (final velocity - initial velocity) / time elapsed.

How do you find final Velocity of an object?

The final velocity is (the initial velocity) plus (the acceleration multiplied by the time).

Which information is needed to find the time a projectile is in motion?

The object's initial distance above the ground The object's initial velocity

How do you find final and initial velocity?

To find the final velocity of an object, you can use the kinematic equation: final velocity = initial velocity + (acceleration * time). If acceleration is constant, you can also use the equation: final velocity = initial velocity + (2 * acceleration * distance). The initial velocity can be found by measuring the velocity of the object at the beginning of its motion using a speedometer or other measuring device.

How do you find the initial velocity given only the distance and the time traveled?

You can't. You need either the final velocity or the acceleration of the object as well, and then you can substitute the known values into a kinematics equation to get the initial velocity.

. ok v velocity a acceleration but what about you?

if by 'you', you mean 'u' then u is the initial velocity v is the final velocity. you need to know the initial velocity in trajectory question (motion of an object through the air) to find height, acceleration, time etc.

The equation used to find acceleration is what?

The equation to find acceleration is acceleration = change in velocity / time taken. This equation shows how much an object's velocity changes over a certain period of time, resulting in the acceleration of the object.

How do you calculate time to accelerate?

You can calculate the time to accelerate using the formula, time = (final velocity - initial velocity) / acceleration. To do this, you need to know the initial velocity, final velocity, and acceleration of the object. Plug these values into the formula to find the time it takes to accelerate.

To find acceleration you subtract what?

To find acceleration, you subtract the initial velocity from the final velocity and then divide by the time taken to achieve the change in velocity. The formula for acceleration is (final velocity - initial velocity) / time.

How do you find the avrege velocidy?

To find average velocity, you calculate the total displacement divided by the total time taken. This provides you with the overall rate at which an object's position changes over time. Average velocity takes into account both the starting and ending positions of the object.

How do you find initial velocity to a moving object Simple Answers?

There are not any answers to the velocity test online. People looking for the answers will need to review the course textbooks.

How do you find initial acceleration.?

The initial acceleration of an object can be found by calculating the change in velocity over time. This can be done by dividing the final velocity by the time taken to reach that velocity. The formula for initial acceleration is: initial acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time.