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Q: How do you find the unknown side length of a shape?
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How do you find the unknown length of one side of a triangle when you know the perimeter and the length of the other two sides?

subtract the two sides that you know from the perimeter to get the unknown side.

How do uou find the length of a rectangle?

If you know the length of one side - and the area... divide the area by the known side - to get the value of the unknown.

The pythagorean theorem can what?

it can help you find the unknown length on one side of a triangle

How do you find a length of a unknown side of a hexagon?

It depends on what information about the other sides and angles you do have.

How do you find length of a unknown side?

usePythagorean theorem A^2+B^2=C^2

An exercise mat that is6.25 m what is the side length?

The answer depends on the shape of the mat! The given dimension is a length so either it is the required side length and you have your answer, or it is the length of the other side not the one required. In that case, there is no way to find the answer.

If a shape has 8 sides of equal length what rule would you use to find its perimeter?

P = 8s where s is the length of a side.

How do you find the perimeter of a right triangle when the length of one side is unknown?

You begin by finding the length of the unknown side. The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the two legs. Then once you have the lengths of all 3 sides, you adum all up, and you have the perimeter.

What is the difference between the perimeter and the area of a shape?

The perimeter of a shape is the distance around the outside, for instance, the length of all the sides of a square added together. The area however, is the amount of space within the shape, for example, to find the area of a square, you would simply multiply the length of the side by length of the side.

How can pythagoream theorem be used to find a missing side length of a right triangle?

It can be found by: hypotenuse squared minus known side squared = unknown side squared

How do you determine an unknown side in a geometrical shape?

As x

How can you often determine unknown side lengths of a composite figure?

you can see the length of base1(example) and see the length of base2 to find out the answer of lets say the top base of a trapezoid.