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Use the formula πr2h, where π is 3.14159... r is radius, and h is height.

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Q: How do you find the volume of a 3-D Cylinder?
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How do you find the volume of a 3D triangle?

There is no such thing as a 3D triangle.

How can i find the volume of the cylinder?

Volume of cylinder: base squared times length

Find the volume ofFind the volume of the cylinder. the cylinder?


How do you find cylinder's volume?

Volume of a cylinder = pi*radius2*height in cubic units

What is the volume of a cylinder if the base is 48 cm and the height is 7 cm?

Find the volume of the cylinder

How do you find volume of cylinder when base and height is given?

Volume of a cylinder in cubic units = piradius2height

What is the formula to find the volume for cylinder by using diameter?

The diameter, alone, is not enough to find the volume of a cylinder. You need the height as well. > Where pi = 3.1416, and d = cylinder diameter cylinder volume = pi * (d/2)2 * length of cylinder

How do you find the volume of a 3D shape?

Well it depends on what kind of 3d shape it is. There is a formula to find the volume of each 3d shape. The main formula for volume is Bxh. (Big B multiplied by the height.) Bxh means the area of the base times the height.

How you find the volume of a cylinder?

you listen to it

What is the realationaship between a sphere and cylinder?

They are both 3D shapes and use pi in calculating area or volume

What is the density of a cylinder?

Density = Mass/Volume, correct. However, with a cylinder, you have to find the volume. In order to find the volume of a cylinder use the equation PiR2 * H where "R" is the radius (Diameter/2) squared.

How you find the volume of a trapezoidal 3D section?

Volume = area of cross-section*length