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The answer depends on what information you do have about the object.

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Q: How do you find the volume of a cube shaped object?
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How do you find the volume of a solid cubed shaped object?

-- Measure the length of any one edge. -- Multiply that number by itself. -- Multiply the result by the number again. -- The result is now the volume of the cube.

How do you find the volume of a regular object cube?

Finding the volume of a regular object cube can be hard. This will be hard because there is no real formula for measuring irregular objects.

How do you find the volume of a square with equal faces?

a square is a 2 dimension object. we can not find volume of a 2-D object... if u are asking that of a cube with equal sides, then simply find (a^3) where a is side of the cube.

How can you find the volume of a cube and of Irregularly shaped objects?

To find the volume of a cube, just measure one edge, and then take the third power of that number (which is to say, it gets multiplied by itself 3 times, so for an edge that it 2" long, you would have 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 cubic inches). To find the volume of an irregularly shaped object, you need a graduated cylinder. You immerse the object in water, and you observe how far the water level rises in the cylinder. If the object is soluble in water, you might use some other liquid such as cooking oil.

How wold you find the volume of an irregularly shaped object?

Take an amount of water of which you know the volume. Drop the object in the water. Find the difference

How would you find the volume of an irregularly shaped object such as rock?

You can find the volume of an irregularly shaped object, like a rock, by using the water displacement method. Submerge the object in a known volume of water in a container. Measure the increase in water level, which equals the volume of the rock.

How do you find the volume of a regular and irregular shaped object?

To find the volume of a regular-shaped object (like a cube or cylinder), you can use mathematical formulas specific to each shape, such as V = l x w x h for a rectangular prism. For irregular-shaped objects, you can use water displacement method by submerging the object in a known volume of water and measuring the displaced water to determine the volume.

What is the instrument used to measure the volume of a regular shaped object?

A graduated cylinder or beaker is typically used to measure the volume of a regular shaped object by filling it with water and measuring the change in volume. The difference in water level before and after submerging the object gives the volume.

How do you calculate the density of both an irregular and regular shaped floating object?

To calculate the density of an irregular shaped floating object, you can measure its mass using a balance and then find its volume by submerging it in a known volume of water and measuring the water displaced. For a regular shaped floating object, you can simply divide its mass by its volume to find the density.

How do you find the volume of a cubed object?

Finding the volume of a regular object cube can be hard. This will be hard because there is no real formula for measuring irregular objects.

How can use calculate the volume of a regular shaped object?

To calculate the volume of a regular shaped object, you can use the appropriate formula for that shape. For example, for a cube, the formula is volume = side length³. For a cylinder, it's volume = π * r² * h (π = 3.14, r = radius, h = height). Plug the values of the dimensions into the formula to find the volume.

How can you find the volume of a cube and of an irregularly shape object?

To find the volume of a cube, just measure one edge, and then take the third power of that number (which is to say, it gets multiplied by itself 3 times, so for an edge that it 2" long, you would have 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 cubic inches). To find the volume of an irregularly shaped object, you need a graduated cylinder. You immerse the object in water, and you observe how far the water level rises in the cylinder. If the object is soluble in water, you might use some other liquid such as cooking oil.