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Reverse the equation. Volume x 3/4 x 1/3.1416 = cubed root of radius. The radius is one half the diameter.

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Q: How do you find the volume of a sphere knowing the diameter?
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How do you find the volume with the diameter?

The volume of a sphere is 1/6*pi*d3 where d is the diameter.

How large is a sphere that has a cubic volume of 020?

To find the diameter of the sphere, you must calculate the cube root of the volume. The cube root of 20 is approximately 2.71. Therefore, the diameter of the sphere is twice this value, which is approximately 5.42 units.

How do you find the volumeof a sphere when you only have the diameter?

Volume of sphere is 1/6 times pi times diameter cubed Thuis Volume = 1/6 (3.14) times diameter cubed or 0.5236 Diameter cubed

How do you find the diameter of a sphere in solution when change in solution volume after addition of sphere is given?

The change in solution volume will be the volume of the sphere. Let's call that V We know that the volume of a sphere is 4/3 Pi x r^3 So the cube root of 3v/4Pi is the radius, double it and you have the diameter. OR Volume of sphere is 1/6 Pixd^3 so 6V/Pi is the diameter cubed. Take the cube root of 6V/Pi and that is the diameter.

How do you find the diameter of a sphere with a given volume?

Make the radius the subject of the formula 4/3*pi* radius3 = volume and then double it to give the diameter.

What are the volume and radius and diameter of Mars?

Mars is almost a sphere and the volume of a sphere is: 4/3*pi*radius3 So find its radius and its volume can be found using the above formula

Find the volume of a shpere with diameter 6 m?

Volume of a sphere = 4/3*pi*radius3 Volume = 4188.790205 cubic inches

How do you find the diameter of a sphere from its volume?

the volume is (Pixdiameter^3)/6 which we write as: V=( π •d³)/6 So diameter is the cube root of (6v/Pi)

How do you find the diameter of an asteroid knowing its density and mass?

You can find the diameter of an asteroid knowing its density and mass by using the formula for volume of a sphere (V = 4/3 * π * r^3, where r is the radius) and density (density = mass/volume). With the asteroid's mass, you can calculate its volume using density, and then find the radius using the volume formula. Finally, double the radius to find the diameter.

What is the ratio of the volumes of a sphere and a cone with the base diameter and the altitude of the cone equal to the diameter of the sphere?

The ratio is given as the sphere volume divided by the volume of the cone. The volume of a sphere that satisfies these conditions is 4/3 x pi x r cubed, and the volume for the cone is 2/3 x pi x r cubed, where r is the radius and pi is equal to 3.14. Dividing these two volumes, you find the resulting ratio is 2.

How do you find true length of a sphere?

The length of a sphere is its diameter

What is half the volume of a sphere that has a diameter of 6?

The formula for the volume of the sphere is:v= volumer= radiusTo find the radius, you divide the diameter by 2 since the diameter is twice the radius.6/2 = 3 = radiusThen you just plug it in the formulaV= 4/3 pi 33V= 4/3 pi 9V= 12 piV= 37.6991118Now, to find half the volume, you need to divide 37.6991118 by 2 which gives you 18.8495559