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If you mean they're all seperately equal to 10.445cm, then you do 1/2*base(width)*height*length = 1/2*10.445*10.445*10.445=569.76

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Q: How do you find the volume of a triangle prism when the height width and Length are equal to 10.445cm?
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Volume of a triangle?

A triangle is a two-dimensional shape (flat), so it has area, but not volume. The area of a triangle is half the height times the base. Multiply the height times the length of the triangle's base, then divide by 2.

How do you the volume of a triangle?

You don't. A triangle is a two-dimensional shape and thus has no volume. The area of a triangle is equal to 1/2 the length of the base times the height.

Find the volume of a triangle?

A triangle is a 2-dimensional object. It has no volume but the volume of an triangular prism is ( volume=Length*width*height ) as well ever since.

Formula to calculate trangle volume?

The volume of a triangle can be calculated with the formula: volume=1/2*length*width*height.

How do you find the volume and surface area of a triangle or prism?

The Surface area of a triangle = 0.5*base*height The volume of a prism = area of its cross-section*length

What is the formula for finding the length if you have the volume height and width?

volume = length*height*width Rearrange the formula: length = volume/height*width

How do you find width when volume height and length are given?

You really should know how to answer that question.Volume = (length) x (width) x (height) .Length = (volume) / (width x height)Width = (volume) / (length x height)Height = (volume) / (length x width)

How do you find the height using the length the width and the volume?

height*length*width = volume Divide both sides by length*width to find the height: height = volume divided by length*width

How do you calculate volume for a acute triangle?

A triangle is a 2 dimensional object, it cannot therefore have a volume (which is a property of 3D objects.However, if you meant area, then it's half the base length multiplied by the height.

What are all the known dimensions?

there are 5. 1-length/height 2-Width and length/height 3-length and height and volume 4-Space and length and height and volume 5-Time and Space and Length and width and volume

How do U find the volume of a triangular prism?

One half base times height of the triangle times length of the prism.

What is the equation for the volume of a triangular prism?

The area of the cross section (the triangle) muliplied by the length of the prism. Area of triangle= 0.5 x base x height Then mulitply by the length the prism goes back