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The number will just be more precise and you might need to round.

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Q: How do you find the volume of a triangular prism when the dimensions are fractions?
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Is the volume of a triangular prism 200 mm3?

It depends on its dimensions

If the dimensions of a triangular prism is doubled what happens to the volume?

Volume is proportional to the cube of the linear dimensions.Double the dimensions ===> volume is multiplied by (2)3 = 8 .

What are the dimensions of a triangular prism with volume 3000 cm cubed?

If the volume of a triangular prism is 300 Cm, the dimensions can be regarded as V = L (A=Bx 1/2 x H). Therefore, we can assume the length to be 12cm, base to be 12 cm.

How much less is the volume of a right triangular prism when dimensions are multiplied by half?

The volume of any solid are reduced to an eighth when its linear dimensions are multiplied by half.

How do you find the dimensions of a rectangular prism from the volume?

You can't tell the dimensions of a rectangle from its area, or the dimensions of a prism from its volume.

What is the volume of this triangular prism 10mm 5mm 5mm 5mm 5mm?

It is not clear what the dimensions are. A triangular prism is normally specified by four lengths: the three sides of the triangular base(s) and one for the length. However, the question contains 5 lengths!

How do you do the volume of a triangular prism?

triangular prism- formula: Abh(area of the base * height)

Would tripling the height of a triangular prism triple its volume?

If you triplied the height of a triangular prism, would that triple it volume

How do you find the volume of a rectangular prism relates to the volume of a tringular prism if the two have the same lengthwidthand height?

If a rectangular prism and a triangular prism have the same length, width, and height, then their volumes are equal. This is because although the shapes are different, they both occupy the same amount of space if their dimensions are the same. The formula for calculating volume is length x width x height for both shapes, resulting in equal volumes.

The formula for finding the volume of a triangular prism?

A triangular prism can be thought of as a stack of triangles. Then the volume is equal to the area of the triangular base multiplied by the height of the prism, or 1/2 length * width * height.

How much a triangular prism equal to?

Do you mean, what is the volume of a (right) triangular prism? Multiply the area of one end by the length of the prism.

Formula for volume of triangular?

It depends on triangular what: pyramid, dipyramid, prism, ...