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Both atom and its nucleus are considered to be spherical. Hence using the formula

4/3 pi r3 we can find the volume.

In case of atom r would be of the order of 10-11 m and that for nucleus it is of the order of 10-15 m

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Q: How do you find the volume of an atom?
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Does an atom have volume?

a atom does have volume

How do you find the mass and volume of a atom?

it depends on how many mulecules it contains ^_^

How does the volume of a nucleus to the volume of an atom?

the volume of atom is much greater than that of nucleus

What make up most of the volume of an atom.?

Most of the volume of an atom is vacuum.

What make up the most of the volume of atom?

Most of the volume of an atom is vacuum.

What is the Volume of an atom is occupied by the?

Most of the volume in an atom is occupied by the electron cloud. Most of the complex reactions of the atom occur in the cloud.

How does the volume of a nucleus compare to the volume of an atom?

The nucleus of an atom is much smaller than the volume of the entire atom. The nucleus makes up only a tiny fraction of the total volume, with the electrons surrounding the nucleus occupying the majority of the space.

What is the volume of an atom is taken up by?

The atom's electrons.

Does a proton make up the most volume of an atom?

No, a proton is a subatomic particle that is found in the nucleus of an atom. The majority of the volume of an atom is made up of the empty space surrounding the nucleus, where the electrons are found.

The volume of an atom is determined by the size of?

By the size of the atom and its mass

How do you prove that volume of an atom is chiefly empty space?

The mass and volumes of electrons are not significant compared to the volume of an atom.

What part of the atom occupies all the volume?

Electrons occupy all the volume of an atom. They are located outside the nucleus in electron clouds or orbitals.