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Find the density and mass of the object d=m/v and plug in your numbers and solve for volume

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Q: How do you find the volume of an irregular shape in a graduated cylinder?
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How to find the volume of an irregular shape?

To find the volume of an irregular shape, you need to use the water displacement method. If the object can fit into a graduated cylinder, fill the cylinder with enough water to adequately cover the object, but don't put the object inside the cylinder yet. Record the amount of water in the cylinder. Carefully drop the object into the cylinder. This will cause a rise in the water in the cylinder. Record this second volume. Subtract the first volume from the second volume, and the difference is the volume of the irregular object. For larger objects, use an overflow can.

What is the definition of an irregular volume?

An irregular volume is one that has no simple equation to describe it's shape. An example would be a cylinder with a cone on it's end. The shape can often be divided into two or more regular shapes which have known equations that describe them. In this case, a cylinder and a cone. To then find the total volume of the irregular shape, you sum the volumes of the individual regular shape volumes.

Definition of irregular volume?

An irregular volume is something and anything that no one can actually measure. An example of this is a cylinder with a cone as its end; a complex equation is needed just to describe the shape that it has.

How do you find the volume of an irregular shape?

The best way to find the volume of an irregular shape is to split it up into shapes that you know, find the volumes of those individual pieces, and then add up all of the volumes of the split pieces to get your total volume of the irregular shape.

How do you find the volume of a three-dimensional irregular shape?

If it is a small shape that is denser than a convenient fluid and insoluble in it and also does not react with it then the displacement method is simplest. Fill a graduated cylinder with the fluid, measure the volume of the fluid. Then gently insert the shape and measure the apparent volume of the fluid. The difference between the two volume readings is the volume of the shape. If the shape is less dense than the fluid you have to make one change. You need to find a dense insoluble object. Measure the volume of the fluid with the dense object immersed in it. Then measure the volume when the dense object and the shape are joined together and submerged. The difference between the two measures is the volume of the shape. This method will not work with soluble shapes unless you can find a fluid that it is not soluble in. Similarly, you cannot use a fluid that will react. So measuring the volume of a lump of sugar or a lump of sodium using water are non-starters. Finally, the method will not work if the irregular shape is huge.

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How to find the volume of an irregular shape?

To find the volume of an irregular shape, you need to use the water displacement method. If the object can fit into a graduated cylinder, fill the cylinder with enough water to adequately cover the object, but don't put the object inside the cylinder yet. Record the amount of water in the cylinder. Carefully drop the object into the cylinder. This will cause a rise in the water in the cylinder. Record this second volume. Subtract the first volume from the second volume, and the difference is the volume of the irregular object. For larger objects, use an overflow can.

How could you measure the volume of an object with an irregular shape?

One way to figure this out is to put the object in a graduated cylinder containing water and measuring the changes in the volume of the water.

How do you get the density of an irregular shape?

To find the density of an irregular shape, you would first measure its mass using a scale. Then, you would need to measure its volume using a displacement method or by using water displacement. Once you have both the mass and volume, you can calculate density by dividing the mass by the volume.

How do you know which objects are more dense or less dense?

Density is weight divided by volume. Weight is measured with a scale. Volume can be calculated if an object has a regular shape, using basic geometry, but if it has an irregular shape, it can be calculated using a graduated cylinder.

What is the definition of an irregular volume?

An irregular volume is one that has no simple equation to describe it's shape. An example would be a cylinder with a cone on it's end. The shape can often be divided into two or more regular shapes which have known equations that describe them. In this case, a cylinder and a cone. To then find the total volume of the irregular shape, you sum the volumes of the individual regular shape volumes.

What lab equipment is needed to determine the density of an irregular shape?

You do not need fancy lab equipment.Basically you need to determine two pieces of information1) The mass of the "irregular" shape (use a scale)2) The volume of the shape (use water displacement in a bucket/tub to find volume)Take the mass / volume and you have density.

How the volume of a rock can be found?

Rocks, if they have not been carved, generally have an irregular shape. It would therefore not be practical to try to measure their dimensions and perform geometrical calculations to get the volume. Instead, you can place the rock inside a graduated cylinder that has water in it, and observe how much water is displaced. That will equal the volume of the rock. Of course, if the rock is very large, you would have difficulty getting a graduated cylinder that is large enough, but if it was really necessary to learn the volume of the rock, you could custom build a container that would serve as an extra large graduated cylinder.

Definition of irregular volume?

An irregular volume is something and anything that no one can actually measure. An example of this is a cylinder with a cone as its end; a complex equation is needed just to describe the shape that it has.

What tool would you use to find the volume if an irregular shape?

I would use a graduated cylinder or beaker filled part-way with distilled water. By measuring the difference in the height of the water column before and after inserting the object, I would be able to calculate the volume of the object.

How would you neasure the volume of an object with an irregular shape?

o take the irregular shape & put in a graduated cylinder filled with the amount of water you want. then you take the measurement on how much it grew then subtract your answer with the original

How do we measure the volume of irregular shape objects?

you take a graduated cylinder then you fill that to 70 then you put the irregular object in and take the number of how much water went up and you subtract them. so say you had 78.0-70.0=8.0 that is your answer and the number of how much the water went up goes first in the problem then the 70.0

How the process of measuring a liquid's volume differs from the solid's volume?

A liquid's volume is measured in a graduated cylinder, while a solid with a irregular shape must be measured by: 1. Filling a graduated cylinder of an appropriate size with water2. record the volume of the water3. submerge the solid completely in the water in the graduated cylinder4. record the new volume level of the water5. subtract the original volume level from the second volume level to determine the volume of the solid.