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Q: How do you find the whole of a fraction?
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How to find a fraction notation with a whole number?

Any whole number can be expressed as a fraction by putting it over 1.

How do you find fraction of whole number?

Any whole number n, can be expressed in the form of a rational fraction, as n/1.

What can 87.5 be divided into a whole fraction?

There cannot be a whole fraction. If it is a fraction it is not whole and if it is whole it is not a fraction.

How do you find the quotient of a fraction and a whole number?


What is a fraction strip?

A fraction strip is simply a paper used to find fractions of a whole.

How do you find a fraction of total points?

Multiply the whole nomber of total points by the fraction.

When you divide whole number by a fraction with a numerator of 1 how do you find the quotient?

Invert the fraction and multiply.

What are the steps to solve fraction stick problems?

A whole stick is worth 1 whole, use fraction sticks to find equivalent fractions, use the fraction sticks to add fractions with the same denominator

Is a whole number bigger than a friaction?

No. For any given fraction, you can find whole numbers that are more than, and whole numbers that are less than, the fraction. For example, if your fraction is 5/2 (equal to 2 1/2), 2 is less, and 3 is more, than this fraction.

How do you find the product of a fraction with whole numbers?

Just multiply the numerator by the whole number, and keep the same denominator. After you do that, chances are that you'll have to simplify the fraction to a mixed number.

When you divide a whole number by a fraction with a numerator of 1 explain how you find the quotient?

You simply multiply the whole number by the denominator. A whole number divided by a fraction is the whole number times the inverse of the fraction. For example, 8 divided by 1/4 is 8 times 4 = 32.

What is every fraction in a whole?

Multiply the fraction to the whole.