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The y-intercept for a pure exponential relationship is always 1.

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Q: How do you find the y-intercept of a exponential relationship from a table?
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There must be at least one common field in the tables that are related. In simple terms you find a value in that field in one table and then find the corresponding value for that field in another. At least one of them will be unique, like in a one to many relationship. One the one table, that value can appear only once in the table. On the many table it can appear more than once. In a one to one relationship, each can only appear once in each table in the relationship. In a many to many relationship, an intermediate table is set up and two other tables are joined to it.

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You find out if a problem is linear or exponential by looking at the degree or the highest power; if the degree or the highest power is 1 or 0, the equation is linear. But if the degree is higher than 1 or lower than 0, the equation is exponential.

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How can you Find an exponential function used in Etc?

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How table of values can be an exponential function?

With a table of value, you first make sure the change in x is constant. Then you look at the ratio of the y's value. If the ratio of the values is the same, then it is an exponential function: x y 1 120 2 180 3 270 4 405 5 607.5 6 911.25 e.g. 180/120 = 1.5, 270/180 = 1.5, 405/270 = 1.5 Therefore, this is an exponential function. To take the question even further, we can even identify the equation of the exponential function. y=Ar^x (*note: ^ is the symbol for "to the power of") A = the first term when x is 0 r = the constant ratio To find A, we sub in one of the coordinates in the table of value. I choose the coordinate (1, 120). 120 = A(1.5^1) 120/1.5 = A 80 = A Therefore the equation is: y = 80(1.5^x) Hope this helps.

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What does it mean to evaluate the exponential expressions?

It means to find the numerical value of the expression.

How do you find the inverse of logbX?

b^x In general the log and the exponential are inverses.

How do you find the function that puts an exponential on an integer on your scientific calculator?

The button will have yx on it.