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You square each number and multiply that by the frequency with which that number appears. You then sum together these results.

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Q: How do you find total sum of squares?
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The sum of the deviations about the mean always equals what?

The sum of total deviations about the mean is the total variance. * * * * * No it is not - that is the sum of their SQUARES. The sum of the deviations is always zero.

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If the regression sum of squares is the explained sum of squares. That is, the sum of squares generated by the regression line. Then you would want the regression sum of squares to be as big as possible since, then the regression line would explain the dispersion of the data well. Alternatively, use the R^2 ratio, which is the ratio of the explained sum of squares to the total sum of squares. (which ranges from 0 to 1) and hence a large number (0.9) would be preferred to (0.2).

Write a C program to calculate the sum of squares of numbers from 1 to N?

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int i,sum; // variables sum = 0; // initialize sum /* recursive addition of squares */ for (i = 1; i <= 30; i++) sum = sum + (i * i); cout << sum <<" is the sum of the first 30 squares." << endl; return 0; }

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What are the total angles in a square?

each angle is 90 degrees and because there are 4 the total sum of a squares angles is 360 degrees. You can find the sum of any shapes angles with the formula: S=(n-2)x180 Where S= the Sum of the angles and n= the number of sides the shape has

Find the programming code for calculating the sum of the squares of the first 1000 numbers in HASKELL?

To get a list of the squares of the first 1000 numbers we can do:> [n^2 | n sum [n^2 | n

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The sum of their squares is 10.

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The two consecutive negative odd integers having 74 as the sum of their squares are -5 and -7.

Who to find maximum of the sum of the square of two integers?

Find the two numbers with the largest magnitudes (absolute values). The sum of their squares will be the maximum.

What is the formula for solving single factor ANOVA?

There is no single formula.It is necessary to calculate the total sum of squares and the regression sum of squares. These are used to calculate the residual sum of squares. The next step is to use the appropriate degrees of freedom to calculate the mean regression sum of squares and the mean residual sum of squares.The ratio of these two is distributed as Fisher's F statistics with the degrees of freedom which were used to obtain the average sums of squares. The ratio is compared with published values of the F-statistic since there is no simple analytical form for the integral.