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If they are parallel, you can add them algebraically to get a resultant vector. Then you can resolve the resultant vector to obtain the vector components.

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Q: How do you find vector components when given the vectors are parallel and the magnitude of each vector is equal to 1?
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Can you add vector like scalars or not?

No. Because vectors have direction as well as magnitude, you must take the direction into account when you add them. Example: Vector A parallel to [0,0; 0,4] Vector B parallel to [0,0; 3,0] These vectors are at right angles to each other Vector A has a magnitude of 4, Vector B an magnitude of 3. A + B = has a magnitude of 5, parallel to [0,0;3,4]

When the angle between two vectors is equal to zero?

When the angle between two vectors is zero ... i.e. the vectors are parallel ... their sum is a vector in thesame direction, and with magnitude equal to the sum of the magnitudes of the two original vectors.

What are vectors?

A vector is something which has both magnitude and direction. Examples include velocity which is speed (magnitude) in a given direction. When written using orthogonal components vectors are written as a column of numbers in parentheses (a one-dimensional array).

Can a vector have a zero magnitude if all of its components are zero?

If all the components of a vector are zero, the magnitude of the vector will always be zero.

Can the magnitude of a vector be ever equal to one of its components?

Yes. - if all the other components are zero. When the word "component" means the mutually perpendicular vectors that add (through vector addition) to form the resultant, then then answer is that "the magnitude of a vector" can equal one of its components, if and only if all other components have zero length (magnitude). This answer applies to the typical case of a vector being expressed in terms of components defined by an orthogonal basis. In normal space, these basis vectors merely define the relevant orthogonal coordinate system. There are, however, mathematical systems that use a nonorthogonal basis and the answer is different and presumably not part of the submitted question.

Related questions

Can you add vector like scalars or not?

No. Because vectors have direction as well as magnitude, you must take the direction into account when you add them. Example: Vector A parallel to [0,0; 0,4] Vector B parallel to [0,0; 3,0] These vectors are at right angles to each other Vector A has a magnitude of 4, Vector B an magnitude of 3. A + B = has a magnitude of 5, parallel to [0,0;3,4]

What two vectors does a vector have?

A vector has both magnitude (the size or length of the vector) and direction. These two characteristics define a vector and differentiate it from a scalar, which only has magnitude.

What is the resultant vector?

The resultant vector is the vector that represents the sum of two or more vectors. It is calculated by adding the corresponding components of the vectors together. The magnitude and direction of the resultant vector depend on the magnitudes and directions of the individual vectors.

When do you get a magnitude of 0 in vector?

The magnitude of a vector is 0 if the magnitude is given to be 0.The magnitude of the resultant of several vectors in n-dimensional space is 0 if and only if the components of the vectors sum to 0 in each of a sewt of n orthogonal directions.

Vector component greater than the vectors magnitude?

A vector component can never be greater than the vector's magnitude. The magnitude of a vector is the length of the vector and is always greater than or equal to any of its individual components.

Is the sum of two vectors of equal magnitude equal to the magnitude of either vectors AND their difference root 3 times the magnitude of each vector?

No, the statement is incorrect. The sum of two vectors of equal magnitude will not equal the magnitude of either vector. The sum of two vectors of equal magnitude will result in a new vector that is larger than the original vectors due to vector addition. The magnitude of the difference between the two vectors will be smaller than the magnitude of either vector.

Under what circumstances can a vector have components that are equal in magnitude?

(Magnitude of the vector)2 = sum of the squares of the component magnituides Let's say the components are 'A' and 'B', and the magnitude of the vector is 'C'. Then C2 = A2 + B2 You have said that C = A, so C2 = C2 + B2 B2 = 0 B = 0 The other component is zero.

Formula to calculate magnitude of the resultant vector?

To calculate the magnitude of the resultant vector, you can use the Pythagorean theorem. Square the x-component of the vector, square the y-component of the vector, and sum them together. Finally, take the square root of the resulting sum. The formula is: |R| = sqrt((Rx^2) + (Ry^2)).

How do you add Vectors By rectangular components?

To add vectors by rectangular components, simply add the corresponding components of each vector. For example, if vector A has components (Ax, Ay) and vector B has components (Bx, By), then the sum of the two vectors can be found by adding the x-components (Ax + Bx) and the y-components (Ay + By) to obtain the resultant vector.

Can the magnitude of the difference between two vectors ever be greater than the magnitude of either vector?

Yes, the magnitude of the difference between two vectors can be greater than the magnitude of either vector. This can occur when the vectors are in opposite directions or have different magnitudes such that the resulting difference vector is longer than either of the original vectors.

What is the formula for calculating magnitude of resultant vector?

The formula for calculating the magnitude of the resultant vector when adding two vectors is: magnitude = sqrt((vector1 magnitude)^2 + (vector2 magnitude)^2 + 2 * vector1 magnitude * vector2 magnitude * cos(theta)) where theta is the angle between the two vectors.

The components of a vector or what?

The components of a vector are magnitude and direction.