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You can find volume by using displacement:

  1. The way you can do this is by filling up a beaker of a graduated cylinder or other measuring device with water.
  2. You drop some water in there and then you record how much you dropped. Then you put an object in making sure the object is completely submerged.
  3. The water will rise, and you record how much it rose, in Units of Volume (cm3).
  4. Then you subtract how much water you put in with the rise of the water when the object was put in.
  5. And that's how you find volume by displacement.
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Q: How do you find volume using displacement?
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A beaker is used to measure volume using water displacement.

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Find the mass using a scale. Find the volume by the water displacement method. Divide mass by volume and that equals density.

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Determine its mass on a balance. Determine its volume using water displacement. Divide the mass by the volume.

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Determine its mass on a balance. Determine its volume using water displacement. Divide the mass by the volume.

How do you take the density of an irregular object?

To find the density of an irregular object, you would first measure its mass using a scale. Next, you would find the volume of the object using displacement method or by calculating it with water displacement. Divide the mass by the volume to calculate the density of the irregular object.

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How do you get the density of an irregular shape?

To find the density of an irregular shape, you would first measure its mass using a scale. Then, you would need to measure its volume using a displacement method or by using water displacement. Once you have both the mass and volume, you can calculate density by dividing the mass by the volume.