The GCF is 33.
To find 99 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.99. In this instance, 0.99 x 396 = 392.04. Therefore, 99 percent of 396 is equal to 392.04.
The GCF is 36.
396, 792, 1188, and all other multiples of 396 are divisible by 396.
396 as percentage= 39600% 396 * 100% = 39600%
The GCF is 33.
ok....let us say we have one horspower. So, we have 33 000 ( = (1 psi * 1 gallon/min) * (a constant) Again, we have 396 000 ( =(1lb/in^2) * (231 in^3)/min * (constant) Now, if you cancel all the units y9ou end up with: 396 000 = 231 * Constant And to make the equiation correct: 396 000/(231) =Constant = 1714
To find 99 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.99. In this instance, 0.99 x 396 = 392.04. Therefore, 99 percent of 396 is equal to 392.04.
The GCF is 36.
The LCM is: 396
396, 792, 1188, and all other multiples of 396 are divisible by 396.
396 as percentage= 39600% 396 * 100% = 39600%
A 1969 big block 396 firing order is 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2
Searching Google with "square root of 396" gave 19.8997487421 (round to 19.9). To discover the method used to calculate the sq root, search Google.