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The answer depends on what is wrong with the cube and needs fixing.

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Q: How do you fix a cube?
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What is a uni fix cube?

a unifix cube is a little cube shaped block that children have been known to play with. it has holes all around it except on one side which has a nob. it is kind of a form of lego.

How can I fix a frozen Game Cube?

The most common reason a Game Cube will freeze is that the disc is dirty. To fix this problem, turn off the console and remove the disk. Clean the disk and then return to console. The game should work just find after cleaning.

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*Rubik's Cube You can't fix it. better buy a new one... after peeling off the stickers the first time, they're just going to fall off repeatedly. If you don't want to legitly solve the cube, it's better to take it apart than peel off the stickers. Just match the colours, how much harder can it be?

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my game cube memery card isent working theres no hole on the computer and i said to formatting and it faild how do i fix it

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you use acohole and cotten ball and pour the acohloe into the cotten ball and rub it across

Is 77 a cube number?

If by cube you mean perfect cube (a cube of an integer), then no, and the nearest perfect cube is 81.

What solid figure has 3 pairs of parallel faces and all faces are congruent?

A cube. A cube. A cube. A cube.

How can you find the side of a cube using a cube root?

The cube root is the side of a cube.

What is the base of a cube?

The base of a cube is the bottom of a cube.

How do you say cube in French?

a cube is 'un cube' in French.

What is 4 cube plus 5 cube?

9 cube !

Area is to square as what is to cube?

volume is to a cube volume is to a cube