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The first thing to do would be to test for the Total Alkalinity. If it is not within the 60-120 range the water will be cloudy and nothing will clear it up except adjusting it.

Another thing would be to chemically clean the filter. Baquacil recommends that you chemically clean it at least once a month, if the filter is clogged up it could cause the pool to be cloudy.

The last resort would be to add the Flocculant.

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Q: How do you fix an aboveground pool with Baquacil that has been shocked and clarified and its levels are good but it is still cloudy?
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If the water in a Baquacil pool is cloudy and has white stuff floating in it how do you fix it and what is the white stuff?

I am a Baquacil employee and usually watermold is due to bacteria in the water that is built up over time caused by the Sanitizer and Algistat reading fluctating. It is very important to test that reading weekly and add the top-up dosage as needed. Also it is important, especially in Baquacil pools, to chemically clean the filter monthly. The best way to treat watermold (white or pink) is to add the Water Clarifier to the skimmer with the filter running, then add the Flocculant as a filter aide, let filter 8-12 hrs, vaccum to waste, and chemically clean the filter. The most important step is chemically cleaning the filter because the watermold tends to trap itself in the filter and the pool can be clear after this process but without chemically cleaning the filter, the watermold just filters back through and starts to form again. Another way to help prevent water mold if you have already had it is to use the Baquacil CDX. In the past we have had Ultra but we are really moving toward the CDX to help maintain the Oxidizer reading. I think you have water mold. Baquacil ultra is supposed to get rid of it. It worked for me.

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No, the word cloudy is not a noun. The word cloudy is an adjective.

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What are the 5 terms used to describe how cloudy it is on any givin day?

Sunny, partly cloudy, mostly cloudy, overcast, and cloudy.

How do you say 'It is cloudy' in French?

le ciel est nuageux ; il y a des nuages ; le ciel est couvert.

How do you you say cloudy in Japanese?

Kumori (曇り) --- meaning cloudy, cloudy weather, etc.

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What part of speech is cloudy?

cloudy is an adjective.

How do you cloudy in Spanish?

Cloudy in spanish is nublado.